

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk with Jo-Lynne

Greetings! It’s a gorgeous morning here, such a difference from yesterday at this time. The birds are so loud outside, it’s like an avian symphony out there!

I was sad to wake up and hear about the latest attacks in London last night. I guess this is becoming our new normal. I’m not one to wring my hands and proclaim the sky to be falling. I know there has always been evil in the world and there always will be, but to see it played out in my own lifetime in such heinous ways is certainly sobering.

I know we can’t live in fear, but news like this always makes me want to hunker down in my quiet suburb and stay put — not that nothing bad ever happens in quiet suburbs. Tell that to the people of Sandy Hook, right? As a believer, I take comfort in verses like Psalm 27:1 and Romans 8:37-39 and try to keep an eternal perspective. It may sound trite, but it’s really all we can do.

It will be good to be back at church today. Last week I stayed home because of my vertigo, and I always miss my church family when I’m away. Speaking of which, I am happy to report that my vertigo seems to be on its way out, which is a relief. It started exactly two weeks ago today, and that is the approximate duration the doctor mentioned when she told me I had labyrinthitis so I guess that was the correct diagnosis. I have to admit, I was worried there for a while that there might be something more on-going that I’d have to deal with so I’m very relieved it’s going away on its own.

Last night we had family over for a cookout, and that was fun. It was a beautiful night to be on the deck. I guess it’s a weekend for cookouts because we have a graduation party/cookout to attend this afternoon.

It’s hard to believe that next year it will be my turn to host a graduation party. I can’t even think about that just yet. We are still taking SATs and trying to figure out colleges. I’m just taking one day at a time because I know there are some hard transitions ahead. For now, I’ll just try to enjoy the time we have left.

I love my kids, but as they get older and start testing their independence, I can see how there may come a time when it’s better for them to be out on their own — for both of our sanities. Maybe it’s God’s way of preparing our hearts. Ha!

Well, this post was certainly all over the place. It’s time for me to get the kids up and start getting ready for church, so I will sign off for now. I’ll be back tomorrow with more summer fashion. I hope you have a blessed Sunday!

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10 Responses

  1. Good morning Jo-Lynne, beautiful day in the neighborhood here too in Maryland. Very sad day again in Great Britain, hate to think that
    this has become our new normal. But I don’t think it will go away any time soon. Hope all goes well at Ariana Grande’s concert again
    today. Enjoy the kids now as much as you can. I know some days I thought can’t wait for them to go off to college. But when the day
    came it was the saddest day of my life. Have one up there in your neck of the woods PennVet, don’t see her much cause school is so
    intense. My other daughter went to York College, great school by the way!!

    Have a Beautiful Sunday and God Bless.

  2. Since I’m up early and our Sunday School doesn’t start until 10 & church at 11:00, I usually get enjoy a nice quiet Sunday morning. Oh, and I look for your Coffee Talk! Love it!! Nice to get a small glimpse into the life of the gal that keeps us looking good, in so many areas!! Glad to hear the vertigo is on it’s way out! Can’t imagine trying to navigate through the day with the active lifestyle you have, and deal with vertigo.
    We had about 30 minutes of sun this morning, before the rain clouds moved in, ugh.
    Having gone through that phase of our daughters graduating, going off to college, returning back home, 2 weddings, and now 4 grandkids, enjoy every moment and all the hub bub that goes with it! Like everyone says, it’s over all to soon!
    Enjoy the rest of your day!

  3. Happy Sunday Jo-Lynne! I am so glad you are finally able to return to your normal busy schedule. It’s very overcast in south central GA this morning. We have rain and possible storms coming in later today, and remaining through Tuesday, then sun with lower humidity. Yea! We are watching Larry’s son and our DIL prepare for their only child to go off to college in August. The three of them are very close, so we know there will be major adjustments for all three. Carley loves school and is super excited about going to college. She chose a smaller private one because she wants the professors to know her and she to know them. Since LRrys autologous stem cell transplant has kept us away from all of the exciting events taking place in their lives now, we are really looking forward to attending her college graduation!

    Make it a blessed day!

  4. Very uplifting and truthful post! I have one graduating next year too! I sent my other daughter to Oliver Nazarene Universiy and it broke my heart. She did great but this little girl is staying closer to home! Lol. It’s very hardd to watch all the violence and and wrongful deaths happening. I have 7 grandkids under 5 and I just wonder what their world will be like! I’m just hoping that I can help them understand the difference between good and evil by my witness, my actions, and the Bible! One day at a time for this mom and grandma otherwise I might go crazy. Thank the Lord we have Jesus in the sad time! Have a great day full of blessing!!!!!

  5. Thanks for the wonderful post and for sharing the 2 scriptures. They really are a blessing to have especially in such unknown, scary times. I will have a graduate in 2 years and am also dreading that time. I know it’s a good thing for them to go on their way, I was excited at that time in my life, but I never imagined it would be so hard. I hope you enjoyed your Sunday.

  6. Glad your vertigo is on its way out. I had a bout a few years back, and oh my word was that interesting! To have the ground disappear out from underneath you!

    A very wise friend once told me….babies are so cute and adorable, otherwise we would never want to survive the first 6 months.and teens are so cantankerous to make us want them to leave! As an empty nester of 4 kids….there is great truth!!

  7. So happy your vertigo has subsided! You are absolutely right in your assessment of God preparing you for when the kids leave. My mom used to tell me the same thing. Having just come through our first year of empty nest syndrome, I can tell you it went much smoother than we ever expected. Our daughter is home for the summer and I am loving having her home. Our son just graduated from college and started his “real” world job this past week. Have a great evening!

  8. Glad you are recovering from vertigo! I came down with a sudden case of labyrinthitis several years ago. I had no idea a middle ear infection could be so debilitating! It was pretty frightening…especially before receiving a diagnosis.
    Really enjoy your posts! Keep up the good work, and have a blessed day!!

  9. Oh man vertigo is no fun. I’m glad you’re feeling better. And time sure does fly by. I just became a grandma for the second time and I remember blogging about my daughter when she was at home and I look back and it seems like yesterday. but it’s not. *sigh*.
    Have a lovely day.
    P.S. Coffee Talk is always my favorite posts from you. *smile*

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