

Having a God-Attitude

Do you have a God-attitude?  Do you see God in everything?  Do you SEEK God in everything?  Do you live a life of thankfulness and love and truth?


Me either.  Sigh…

(If you are fortunate enough to say YES to that question, please share your wisdom in the comments!)

Our sermon this morning was about exactly that.  There are TIMES when I find myself having a God-attitude.  But it certainly doesn’t characterize my life as it should.  The Bible says, From out of the heart, the mouth speaks. 


Fortunately for me, and most everyone, as our pastor pointed out this morning, people of great faith aren’t born into the world with that much faith.  Faith starts out small and must be perfected through the trials and tribulations of life (and God’s grace of course!)  He shared a story about a woman of great faith (I can’t remember her name or I’d share it with you — her story is amazing), and how she started out with doubts and weaknesses like the rest of us, and what she went through to end up with the strong faith she was able to share with others in her later years.

I know that faith is a matter of growth and maturity.  And I know that in God’s time my faith will be made perfect.  But sometimes I wish He would just hurry up a bit.  (Is it irreverent to say so?)

I had a choir director who used to say, "It’s not that ‘practice makes perfect.’  It’s PERFECT practice that makes perfect." 

While that may be true with singing, fortunately it is not so true
with faith.  I am so grateful that God takes my weak and imperfect
attempts at holiness and makes me perfect in His sight through
the shed blood of Jesus (certainly NOT by any means of my own.)

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17 Responses

  1. That last sentence is it. When I’m feeling particularly unholy or imperfect, I have to remember that only Christ is perfect and just wants me to accept his free gift of love and salvation. I think he honors our feeble attempts, but they are just that…attempts. Great post.

  2. Yes, Nicole, that is great. I could have fleshed that out more. Great input!!

  3. You say it so well. Funny thing is that when I realized I locked my keys in the car and I didn’t get mad or curse or yell I kind of thought I’m getting better at my faith. I do think that the big man up stairs was guiding me and told it was no big thing! I still have a LONG way to go. Thanks for spurning some reflection tonight!

  4. Kim – Whenever I find myself not cussing and getting mad, I figure it’s b/c my hormones are actually balanced. It happens for about 3 days a month. 😉

  5. Sometimes I need a SERIOUS attitude adjustment Godward! This post was a great reminder…we discussed gratitude (interesting how similar-sounding the themes of our morning doses of spiritual guidance!) today in our Sunday School class…starting there (when my attitude is less-than-Jesus-esque) usually provides me a good leaping point.

  6. I am so with you on this one. Frequently (waaaaay too often) I am nowhere near having a God attitude. There are times that I feel myself getting closer, growing in my faith and my relationship with God, but sadly, those times are much less than they should be.

    Thanks for the reminder!! 🙂

  7. Some days are easier than others. We are just a work in progress.

    Remember the song . . .

    He’s still workin on me,
    to make me what I outta be,
    it took him just a week to make the moon and the star, the sun and the earth, jupiter and mars
    how loving and patient He must be ….
    He’s still workin on me

  8. My life with Christ has been a process. I can look back over the past 20 years and see highs and lows. But, overall I think there’s been a steady walk towards having a deeper relationship with Him. And the more I grow in Him the more I realize how little I know. But, His love for me compels me to grow deeper in my relationship with Him. It’s a daily process. I blow it sometimes (a lot of the time), but thankfully there is grace. I need lots of GRACE!

  9. I love that God says we only need the faith of a mustard seed. A mustard seed!!! Oh, thank goodness. Some days, that is all I can “muster” up.

  10. I love that you hubby comments on your blog too 😀

    That verse is a tough one for me, thanks for the reminder. I realized when I cussed at my daughter I needed more Jesus in me than I was getting. It is all a process — a daily process — and takes intentional time with God every morning. We’ve gotta show up for class 🙂

  11. Did you pop into my head on this one or what? It is my birthday today and I have been one GRUMPY birthday girl.


    Off to find a new attitude. Thanks for the challenge.

  12. People really aren’t born into the world with any faith. It is something taught to them. One thing I really love about not believing in god is I don’t get all the guilt associated with it. I’m so not trying to be rude by the way! Give yourself some credit, I’m sure you are doing the best that you can & that is enough 🙂

  13. Hi Ginny. I don’t think I presented my thoughts as accurately as I meant to. I wish I had fleshed out the last part some more. See, that’s the wonder of Christianity. Because of God’s grace, I don’t have to be good enough. No one does. No one CAN. That’s why God offers salvation and forgiveness freely.

    So it’s not guilt I feel, really, it’s more disappointment for not serving Him as faithfully as I’d like to, because I love Him and am so grateful for his grace in my life.

    Thank you for your comment and for your encouragement. I didn’t think you were being rude. 🙂

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