

How to Wear Short-Sleeves Into Fall

I got a fashion question on Twitter last week about how to wear all the cute short-sleeved fall sweaters we see gracing the displays at the mall. Of course, here in Philly it’s still warm and humid, so I’ve been wearing mine as-is, but it’s a good question. As it gets colder, we don’t have to put those adorable short-sleeved sweaters away!

The simple answer is: LAYER.

But I’ve never been one to stop at the simple answer. Ha!

Of course this is as good a chance as any to play around with Polyvore, so here are a couple ideas for layering outfits with short-sleeved sweaters that will take you right into the dead of winter.

Short Sleeved Sweater Outfits for Fall


Got a short sleeved sweater dress? Same concept applies. (I have no idea what that funky thing is on the ankle of those tights. Just pay no nevermind to that!)

sweater dress


For a super casual but chic mom look, layer a short-sleeved tee over a long one.

layering with a short sleeved tee


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10 Responses

  1. Cute…although I never get cold enough to need long sleeves in the fall. 🙂 I just wear my short sleeved tops as-is around the house, and (maybe) throw on a light sweater when I head outside.

  2. Hi! I just found your blog–too cute! I’m 20 years old and am a food and fashion blogger. I think all of the outfits you created work great! I also love to wear a thin, “tissue” turtleneck underneath a short-sleeved sweater, or if the short-sleeved sweater isn’t bulky, then I’ll wear a thicker cardigan on top of that. Great ideas! 🙂

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