

Let It Snow!

snowflakeWord has it that we may get somewhere between 6 and 12 inches of snow tonight.  WHEEEEEEE!

I know, I know, I hate winter.  That is because I detest being cold.  However.  If it MUST be cold, it might as well be pretty doing it.  So I say BRING ON THE SNOW!

I know, the timing is rather inconvenient, being that it is 5 days before Christmas and most of us are not exactly primed and ready just yet.  Oh, you are, are you?  Well phbbbt.

I’m no where near ready, although I am certainly more ready now than I was on Wednesday at this time.  In the past 48 hours, I have braved three different shopping malls as well as CVS and Kohls.  I am TIE.YERD.

So back to my snow.  The neighborhood has been all a buzz because if we are going to be snowbound, we figured we should make the best of it.  Meaning we need to be stocked up on gift wrap, cookie-making ingredients, and of course wine.  In other words, the essentials.

Assuming the kids will be outside playing in the snow all day and will go to bed early (wishful thinking, I realize), I invited some of the neighbor ladies over for a gift wrapping party tomorrow night.  We did this last year, and it was great fun.  Hey, if you’re a neighbor, and you’re reading, come on over around 8:00.  That would be in the PM, of course.  If you arrive at my door at 8:00 in the AM, you will be in for a rude awakening.

Meanwhile, it might be a good idea to drag the snow gear down from the closet and dust off the old sled.  WOOT!

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12 Responses

  1. Yeah for snow! We are watching a storm that is supposed to hit us ON Christmas (how fabulous!) so I know your feeling! I guess that means it might hit you on Monday…hmmm…sorry about that! lol

    Enjoy your snow, and the gift wrapping party!

  2. I’ve been to two grocery stores today to stock up on all of the ingredients I’ll need to finally do some baking tomorrow. I also grabbed some junk food in case there is no motivation to bake and I simply want to watch the snow fall and have a snack.
    Let it snow!!!!

  3. Nooooooo! Our Christmas musical is tomorrow night and I have a big solo. We all worked so hard that it would be a shame if it were cancelled.

  4. Can I come in my PJ’s? I just bought a comfy new pair of Life is Good PJ’s – they are very festive and oh so cozy! I have them on now – I may live in these!

  5. We were supposed to get 1-2 inches tonight and they are now saying that the system is “falling apart” over us – grrrrr! I wanted a few inches of snow! You guys always get all the big snowfalls…..(walking away, stomping my feet in a tantrum now)

  6. I hope we get some of that snow too! We had some rain and everything is icy which I don’t like one bit. You know, afraid of falling and breaking a hip or something. :o) Saw your Mom for just a few minutes this trip at the Rudder with Grampa. He sure enjoys her visits. I still have one tree with just lights on it as it has been too cold to heat the sunroom this week. Further north they had -40* wind chill factor, now isn’t that just insane!!!???

  7. “TIE.YERD.” Love that.

    You write so conversationally. I can almost hear your voice through your pen (er…keyboard). Hopefully, someday I’ll be able to hear it in-person too! 🙂

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