

When life gives you lemons . . .

blab about it on the Internet.

I know I usually wear my happy, shiny face around here, and it’s not like it’s not authentic, but for some reason I’m always a bit hesitant to admit when I’m struggling. I don’t know why; it’s not that I fear being vulnerable. I think maybe I feel like I will seem insincere when I admit that at the same time I’m posting my typical happy-go-lucky fashion posts, I may be struggling with the ups and downs of life.

This medium is difficult, because oftentimes I will write a post in my typical perky manner, and I’m feeling pretty good when I write it, but by the time it is published, life may have dealt one of its blows. And maybe other times I like to hide behind my cheerful facade because it allows me to ignore whatever it is that is bothering me and forces me to focus on the fun and the frivolous. We all know that happiness is a state of mind so I guess it makes sense that it works sometimes when I’m fighting the funk to get my focus off myself and chat about something more enjoyable. Like cute shoes! Or donuts!

As positive as I an be, I have some deep-seated fears. I guess we probably all do.

For one, I am terrified of cancer. Utterly, paralyzingly terrified. I am scared to death (ha! no pun intended) that I will end up with a terminal illness or that one of my kids or my husband will end up with some terrible fate and will leave this world too soon.

If there is anything that I worry excessively about, that is it.

But if I’ve learned anything in my 41-and-a-half years on earth, it is that pain and suffering usually manifests itself in ways you never expect.

My mom told me this joke once.

Two ladies were chatting, and the one said to the other, “You know, worrying must work, because anything I worry about never comes true.”

I think about that when I’m going through a rough time. It always makes me giggle, and it also reminds me how small I am and how big God is. I really should not waste time worrying about things. Not that nothing bad ever comes my way, but so far the trials in my life have never come in the form of things I worry about.

Instead, the trials in my life always seem to blindside me. They’re never what I expect. I don’t suppose that’s unusual, but it is interesting to contemplate. Choosing one or two specific types of trials to fear is really a waste of time and energy because there are many ways to suffer and the chances that you’ll be dealt the cards you’re picturing in your head are pretty slim.

Not to say that what I’m experiencing right now I would classify as suffering. Let’s keep things in perspective. But I’m struggling.

This foot thing. It’s got me down.

That cortisone shot that was supposed to make me all better? Yeah, well. My foot hurts far worse now than it ever did from the plantar fasciitis.

Before, it was an annoying inconvenience. It was uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t have really defined it as pain. Now? I feel truly injured. I’m in pain to the point that I limp when I walk.

I’m four days out and still worse off than I was before the injection, so I called the doctor this morning.

The doctor on call answered and listened to my story and confirmed what I feared — that I should definitely not be in pain at this point. He told me to tell my husband that he’s on duty all day, and that I should take Advil, sit around with my foot elevated, and come into the office tomorrow. He suspects the doctor who did the injection did not get it in the right spot and I may need another.

Now, call me crazy. But I am in far worse pain NOW than I was before that injection. It seems to me that the injection itself has injured me. WHY WOULD I LET THEM DO IT TO ME AGAIN?

I’ll be an invalid before all is said and done at this rate.

So I’m all stressy about that.

But it’s not just my foot that’s got me down. I mean, that is depressing, for sure. But I’ve been holding out on you. There is something that I’ve intentionally not talked about.

My face.

The day after my injection, Thursday morning, I woke up and my foot hurt so badly that I could barely put weight on it. So I went to my closet to find my trusty Crocs flip flops.

I picked them up, turned off the closet light so I wouldn’t wake my husband (if this were a legitimate piece of literature, this would be what they call foreshadowing), and dropped them on the floor beside my bed.

I slid my right foot into the one flip flop, but I couldn’t feel the other one with my left foot. So I bent over to find it with my hand, and my nose met the edge of my sleigh bed.

I heard it crack.

It hurt like the dickens, and I immediately raised my hand to my face and started to bawl. It was all too much — the pain in my foot that was amplified by the shot that was supposed to cure it, and did I mentioned I’d had a stiff neck all week? Crashing my nose into the edge of the bed was the final straw.

I lost it.

I thought my nose was broken. I was envisioning a huge swollen nose and black and blue eyes as I limped into the bathroom, whimpering at the indignity of it all. But when I turned on the light and looked in the mirror, a broken nose was no longer my primary cause for concern.

Blood was gushing out of an open wound across the bridge of my nose. I had sliced the top of my nose on the edge of the bed.

The emotion and frustration from the week of dealing with the neck pain, the foot pain, the stress over the injection, the apparent ineffectiveness of the treatment, and then my face gushing blood and a possible broken nose, all converged in one big ugly cry.

My poor husband was woken out of a dead sleep to find his wife, bloody and bawling in the bathroom.

It was a total Marsha moment. All I could do was stare at my reflection in the mirror, wailing, “My face!!!!”

I was simultaneously concerned about the fate of my face and my agenda for the day.

I spent almost every day last week in a doctor’s office for something — my cortisone injection, the dentist, PT . . . I was planning to actually get back to normal and get some work done (i.e. a cookbook written) and suddenly I was faced with the possibility of spending the day in the ER or a plastic surgeon’s office and the implications of that toll on my workload.

Paul and I discussed what should be done, but as the bleeding slowed down, it didn’t appear like an ER situation, although I wasn’t sure a bandaid was going to cut it either. I decided to wait until the kids were off to school to decide if I wanted to see a doctor or not.

So I blotted my nose, calmed myself down, and limped downstairs to make some coffee.

I laid on the couch with an ice pack, alternating 20 minutes on my nose and 20 minutes on my foot, while the kids got ready for school. It was really surreal. I was aching literally from head to toe, and I couldn’t decide which spot needed the ice more. I felt like I’d been beat up in a dark alley.

I debated trying to get in to see a plastic surgeon, but honestly, I couldn’t stand the thought of MORE pain, MORE time wasted, and no guarantee that it would really matter.

In the end, I decided to see my primary care doctor, who happens to be located next to my physical therapists’s office, which made him somewhat convenient. He gave me steri strips and told me I’d be fine. Real helpful, right?

I’m not convinced that was the best decision to let it heal on its own, but I just had no energy left to deal with it. Only time will tell if this scar is going to disfigure my face or if it will fade over time. Hopefully I’ll eventually be able to disguise it with makeup.

I must have really been a wreck because when I got home from the doctor’s office on Thursday, a delivery van was pulling into the driveway and a nice Irish gentleman got out and presented me with these. 


And a box of chocolates. I know, right!?? Flowers AND chocolate. I’m very blessed. At least in the husband department. In the clutsy and injury departments . . . notsomuch.

So here I am. Couch bound. Sore foot. Sore face. Unsure of what the future holds for either situation.

Although, frankly, I was relieved to have a legitimate reason to hide inside my house and lick my wounds. I’m tired of trying to put on a happy face and act like I’m taking it all in stride. I’m tired of people looking at me funny when they noticed the gash on my face, and I’m tired of the jokes. What, did your husband hit you? It’s not original, people. Try another line.

That said, I don’t do “put your feet up and do nothing” well. It might sound like a delightful prescription, but I’d rather be on the move. The first thing I did after texting my husband at church and informing him that I wouldn’t be joining them was change over a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sit still with those tasks looming. Then I collected my laptop, cell phone, and InStyle magazines and made myself at home on the couch.

So here I am. This is has been my view for the past six hours.


As much as I’m not thrilled to be benched, it’s a bit of a relief to be able to retreat into myself for a little while, to allow myself to feel sorry for myself. And I’m feeling pretty sorry for myself, I gotta admit.

When I was in the shower this morning, I noticed that all definition is gone from my legs. It looks like I’ve lost everything in the last three months that I gained from those three years of running and the six months of half marathon training. That realization caused me to start crying all over again.

I almost wish I’d never known what it feels like to be fit and strong if it was going to be taken away from me.

I keep telling myself there are other ways to stay in shape. I know this is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. THIS ISN’T CANCER, I keep telling myself. This is just a stupid inconvenience. So I may not be able to run again. So I may not get back that definition in my legs, I may never lose these blasted five pounds that have settled around my middle, I may never feel the exhilaration of another PR… big deal. I have my health, my home and my family. That should be enough.

So why does it sting to see people post pictures of their races on Facebook? To see those status updates on MapMyRun? I feel like a spoiled brat to even let that get to me, but they’re all just a reminder of what I can’t do and how good I felt when I was doing it.

Although right now I think I’d happily give up running forever if I could be assured that this stupid foot will heal on its own. What kind of cruel twist of fate will it be if, in my attempts to heal it, I end up making it worse??? At this point, getting back to running isn’t even my primary goal anymore. I’ll just be happy if I can get back to normal activities. You know, walking around the house without pain.

I’ve actually spent the last hour perusing the internet, searching for homeopathic remedies to plantar fasciitis and researching anti-inflammatory diets. Maybe it’s time to practice what I preach and leave the mainstream medical doctors to their own devices and try something outside the box. But the more I read, the more confused I get.

The one thing that’s certain about this condition is that everyone has his theory and no one agrees on what works.

I keep telling myself that in six months, this will all be a memory. Whether I’m running again or not, I will have moved on and I will feel good again. I just have to get to the other side.

I know these are not trials. Or maybe they are, but they’re not big ones. They are, however, very real. and they are where I am right now. And I couldn’t post one! more! donut! recipe! while pretending like everything is hunky dory. So now you know.

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63 Responses

  1. Love the honesty! Just how I am feeling at the moment. Trying to see this time doing nothing as a time to evaluate and reflect. But it feels like I’m just wasting time. Trying to stay positive and this post has really helped. Thank you!!

  2. You nailed it! (not your nose///sorry) But truly, it’s often how I feel when I post this *everything is perfect here in my world* post……when in reality, it’s not. Thank you for being real. I am so sorry…I hurt FOR you!

  3. I hurt my back the first week of January last year (have no idea what I did – it just started hurting) and it was exhausting to be in pain all the time. I was in pain for about 5 months before I finally got it worked out. New mattress, massage, yoga, chirpractor, lots of stretching, yoga. I honestly feel it was massage that helped me the most. If it doesn’t hurt for someone to touch your foot, I’d look into it. Being in pain for that long made things pretty miserable. Driving hurt so bad, sitting in a church pew was toture…I hermited up for a long time just to not be in pain. I feel ya, and I hope you’re able to get some relief SOOOON! And you KNOW I’d be fa-lipping out about my face if I smacked my nose. Solidarity, sister!

  4. Right there with you. I prefer honestly. Yes, we should all stay positive and grateful and lift ourselves and others up. BUT…everyone has times that are low. By being honest, you are being helpful. To pretend everything is coming up roses (well, it kinda did, but, youknowwhatImean) puts a burden on others when they bottom out. They feel it is unacceptable. I is not just acceptable to have lows, it is realistic, and healthy.
    I have come off of several years of chronic neck pain (went away when I was no longer a student pouring over books) and what I did not realize was a terrible case of gastritis (wore away my stomach lining). There were times when several things would flare up at once and, despite being a strong, positive person, I would “lose” it too. Usually in front of my husband. Always tears, usually snot, too. Attractive.
    Hang in there. I know it seems hopeless but don’t give up trying to find answers. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your blog enriches my life.

  5. I love that you keep it real instead of only posting the good stuff on your blog. It’s hard when you are dealing with pain and illness…you are thankful on the one hand that it isn’t life altering but dang it, it still hurts and it is still a problem. Hang in there and thanks for sharing.

  6. Well, maybe it was something in the air this morning, because I was really down as well. While my feelings weren’t related to any particular physical trial, I was seeing myself as a failure as a Christian, wife, mother, blogger – you name it! Like you, I am blessed to have a husband who came alongside me with lots of hugs and encouragement!!

    Praying that your foot and face issues are resolved satisfactorily very soon!!

  7. Awww…I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Sometimes it helps to have a good cry, a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, and some time to pray & count your blessings. Try focusing on all the good things in your life when the “lemons” threaten to take over. Praying you’ll be up and running again SOON!

  8. Oh, Jo-Lynne… I’m so so sorry, hon. That sounds truly awful! I wonder if the doctor maybe twinged a nerve with the needle?

    I think you know a little of my story, the ups, downs and unknowns. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that sometimes there’s nothing you can say or do to make somebody feel better. So please, just know that we’re here for you. You WILL get through this. Hugs!

  9. Hi, dear. I promise I won’t get preachy. Ha! You’re so right that issues like this, piled in a heap on your head, tend to twist your perspective back into shape. When you said how hard it is to see other people’s updates on FB, how you feel like a whiny brat … yes. There are things we’re given a glorious taste of in life, and then we feel bitterly resentful when they don’t last forever – waaaah! My loss was singing. I had to let it go. Letting go is so wrenching; it’s a tear, and it hurts like a gash. It tears us away from here, and forces us to remember that some things aren’t given back again until heaven. I’m so sorry for your injuries. I can only imagine how you felt when you fell. Crying is good. Roses are great. Heal well, and when you’re covering up that little scar in a few years, it will remind you of what you’ve learned now. And … I adored every donut photo 🙂 Thanks for your honesty. Your toenail polish looks fab 🙂

  10. I’m a regular reader, and rarely comment, but I love your blog and through it love you. So I’m sending you a big hug and permission to feel crappy about your not-the-end-of-the-whole-world-but-still-very-sucky “lemons”. I do hope you find answers for your foot, and that your nose miraculously heals quickly and without permanent damage. God sees you today. He sees your heart, and totally gets it. He loves you. So much.

  11. We all have rainy seasons in our lives. I’m going through one right now myself. Hoping the snow doesn’t force me to cancel the MRI I have scheduled for tomorrow because I’ve had to go to 3 doctors, 6 weeks of PT, and X-rays to get it! Just getting better from the flu too. So we can be miserable together. Misery loves company 🙂

  12. I feel your pain–literally. I’ve been struggling with plantar fasciitis, too. You might want to check out a spinning class if you are worried about losing your fitness/leg definition. It’s the one workout that doesn’t hurt my foot AT ALL and it’s a great workout! The thing I’ve found that helps my foot the most is to wear supportive shoes ALL the time. I even bought Orthaheel slippers and don’t even go the the bathroom in the middle of the night without slipping them on. Going barefoot is the worst thing you can do. I hope you get relief soon. Thanks for sharing your struggles and being real. God bless.

  13. I’m so sorry, Jo-Lynne. This really is a bummer, and I’m sure it just adds to the stress of everything you’ve got going on. Maybe this is God’s way of saying you really do need to put your feet up and rest for a while. Sending love.

  14. Oh boy…I’m just so sorry. None of that is fun. All of that is a trial. I’m totally afraid of cancer too. My Mom had breast cancer and I really have to fight feeling doomed to the same fate. I have kids with food allergies and other things going on–not life-threatening, but with all of the reading I’m doing I see how we are missing something and how auto-immune diseases spring up from these seemingly innocuous ailments and I worry for their now and their future. It’s hard not to worry. Pain really brings it to the surface too. You feel sorry that you’re in pain, yet grateful that it’s not worse. Give yourself some time to be sad, to be sorry, to rest. Praying for healing.

  15. Cortisone injections in feet sometimes do cause a lot of pain. My sister had one in her foot and her pain was incredible. It didn’t leave any permanent injuries but made her pretty miserable for awhile. I don’t remember what made it better for her (was many moons ago!) but I’d talk with your doctor and PT, get their advice and then make a decision on what to do next.

    Having been in a funk of worry myself, I really appreciate your writing this post. Keeping you in my prayers. (hugs)

  16. So sorry you are having to go through all this. When it rains it pours!
    My plantar fasciatis started about 2 years ago and continues to be ongoing. Ugg. I’ve had 3 cortisone shots which helped, but they used a sonogram to make sure the shot was in the correct place and some numming meds. Secondly, I got orthotics made for my feet. This is what helps me the most. I wore them all the time for about a year, never going without shoes. I can now walk around the house for a shirt period without my orthotics. Stretching definitely helps. (Google or YouTube it) Thirdly, I went to PT and they massaged by foot and iced it till it was numb. And I continued doing it at home. I also have a boot I wore at night to keep my foot stretched. I don’t wear this anymore.
    I have heard of one person going to a homeopathic dr and she was put in a cast and it healed.
    Sorry but going barefoot and wearing flip flops are not good for plantar fasciatis. I’ve resigned my love of shoes to almost exclusively tennis shoes. 🙁 actually wearing really high heels will stretch your foot!
    Did they take X-rays to rule out bone spurs?

  17. I’m a regular reader, not a big commenter though. So sorry you are going through all if this. I have struggled with plantar fasciatis as well and it’s really tough when you have to give up an activity you love. It’s ok to mourn a bit I think. And I love that you aren’t all donuts and outfits with your readers. 🙂

  18. When it rains, it seems to pour and it is SO hard to keep all of this in perspective.
    Praying for your heart, your foot and your face.

  19. I am so sorry to hear that there is more irritation heaped on more irritation. And when one of your sources of joy (running) has been removed. Lots of hugs and ice packs.

  20. This is a trial, regardless of how minor it may appear – it’s yours to deal with. I sympathize with you so much on all of this. I know what it’s like to be physically active and have a injury that takes you off course and your muscles lapse from lack of exercise. I am there and I’m recovering. I dealt with plantar fasciatis also. What worked for me were the orthopedic shoes and good shoe inserts. My shoe collection went from cute to old lady looking at the tender age of 37 but it worked. Stay away from your Crocs, do not walk barefoot or wear flip flops or heels until you heal again. I’ve been wearing orthopedic shoes for about 3 years now and it seems as though I’m going to remain in them. The styles have improved over the years and they are EXPENSIVE but it’s worth the try. Thanks for sharing your story.
    I wish you God’s best on your healing and recovery.

  21. So sorry about all this! Take it one step at a time — sorry, bad joke 🙂

    You are one busy lady so I know not being able to walk without pain has got to be so frustrating. Praying relief is coming soon. And as far as your face, you are beautiful and no little scar (if you even have one) will change that! Take care

  22. Oh my heart hurts for you! We had a great sermon yesterday on trials, from the book of James. You know, “Consider it pure joy….”? That verse has always irritated me because frankly, I’m tired of the trials. Big or small, many or few, a trial is a trial is a trial. But this sermon totally opened my eyes to the value and purpose of our trials. It hasn’t been posted online yet, but the sermon notes are. https://www.calvaryccm.com/teachings/main/audio/20140202/are-trials-really-good-for-us
    Thought you might want to give it a look while resting. Please don’t take this as preachy, but I was reading your post and all I could think of was “Send her the link!!!” There are so many cliche things I could say to you right now, all of which you have heard or know, so just know that I’m sending you a hug and prayers from afar!

  23. I am sorry you are going through a hard time! And don’t minimize it…when it is something we or our loved ones are dealing with, it IS a big deal. Reminds me of the saying that minor surgery is always on someone else, when it affects us, it is always major! As a fellow Presbyterian 🙂 let me encourage you with the truth that God is Sovereign and His plan is always for our good and His glory, even when we struggle to see that in the moment. ( I just finished a great book called you’ll get through this by Max Lucado that might bless you as well. He shows us through the life of Joseph how God is at work for good.) Thanks for being real. It allows us to pray for you, and helps us all remember that we aren’t the only ones who have stress/pain/anxiety/whatever. All these trials sure keep us dependent on the Lord, don’t they? Wishing you a much better week!!

  24. Ugh, you poor thing. It seems like wretched things usually happen in batches, and hopefully yours have played themselves out and you can recover quickly. And thank you for being honest, you’re so right that bloggers have to put on a cheery face and fear being negative, but it can be valuable for readers and bloggers alike to know they’re not alone in feeling down sometimes.

    I myself have been suffering for almost 4 months now from a sprained ankle that won’t heal and am upset about not being able to work out like I usually do. I’m learning all kinds of low-impact exercises and while I don’t have the same cardio I used to, I am getting better with strength training 😉 I’m also investigating anti-inflammatory foods, and keep coming back to turmeric and turmeric tea. My father, who’s a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also suggested it.

    My husband and I are working on reminding ourselves that most of our problems are comparatively small, they’re “first-world problems” and things could be a whole lot worse. Even though that helps sometimes to put things into perspective when I’m feeling down, it doesn’t hurt to have a bowl of cookie dough and a cup of tea on hand either 😉

  25. You know…I am not the kind of “put your feet up and rest” kind of gal either. I also understand watching everyone run around you and not being able to. It’s pretty frustrating. What I have learned from being sidelined, is that the more I get into my bible and pray, the more peaceful I become. Things can become more tolerable, because it’s not in my own strength. And when situations like this come, we definitely need His strength, etc. because we just aren’t capable on our own sometimes…most of the time 🙂 Take Care and get better!

  26. I will pray for you. When I started reading your blog, I was going through my own painful time. I had an injury to my lower back and nerve issues that were just excruciating. I remember that I happened to see one of your old posts with one of your medals and I thought- wow. there you are out there, a mom of 3 like me and you are still accomplishing these amazing things for yourself! It helped inspire me to run 3 5k’s last year. It’s been slow getting back in shape and not all uphill progress but most of the pain and issues that were due to being relatively sedantary have at least subsided enough for me to get out and be in nature and enjoy my life again. Thanks for the encouragement, I hope you can get back out there soon!

  27. Sending you prayers and a hug Jo-Lynne… I hope you can find a way to stay off of your foot so it can heal and that you find a really skilled homeopath. Homeopathy is amazing and I think it could work for you but it helps to work with someone who can recommend just the right remedy. And I hope your face heals quickly too so you feel at least a little bit more like yourself! Take care!! xo

  28. Have you tried acupuncture for your foot? It did wonders for my back pain so that I never needed the cortisone shots my doctor was suggesting. My appointments are so relaxing that I go every other week for a couple of years… Not for the back pain which is rarely an issue now, but because it’s so wonderfully relaxing that I think it’s the #1 thing I do to manage stress!

    Good luck 🙂

  29. JoLynne — I hope your foot starts feeling better. I, too, have plantar fasciitis and it is unbearable some days — standing to teach doesn’t help, but that’s what I have to do . . . . take it slow, you’ll be ok . . . I’ve totally avoided the cortisone injections . . . had one in my neck once about 16 years ago. That stuff is excrutiating! Opted not to have it in my foot — or in my wrist (I have DeQuervain’s tendonitis from excessive piano playing!) . . . sometimes rest, ice and elevation are the only options . . . . and . . . when you get to feeling better (and we don’t have all this terrible snow!) . . . walking is always an option! Bella encourages me, even when I am hurting . . .

  30. I feel the same way about that cancer stuff. Terrified! Then my sister got brain cancer and was gone in less than 6 months. Oh bother… But I try to think of when I was a little girl, visiting my grandparents. I would never spend the night with them because I thought they were going to die, because, you know, to a 7 year old, they were old. 🙂 Anyway, my grandmother lived to a ripe old age of 102!! Go figure. So, I try not to worry, but it’s still hard not to. 🙂
    Hope you get to feeling much better very soon!!!!!!!!!

  31. Sending you prayers for healing. When I’m in a season like that I feel like God is drawing me closer for a reason. What am I holding on to that I need to let go? Usually when I figure that out, putting all my trust and faith in Him, I shift and healing happens. So, I’m praying for you to let go, shift and start healing.
    Also–helichrysum is an amazing oil for cuts. You need to use melaleuca first to clean it and then the helichrysum seals the cut. It’s really amazing. It’s like stitches in a bottle.

  32. My husband has had similar foot problems for years. It flairs up for him a couple of times a year (for short periods now) He got some inserts made for his shoes. He has FLAT feet, so I am sure that has something to do with it. Not sure if you have flat feet or not…..he put his inserts in his Sanuks (flat summer shoes) so he doesn’t have to wear hot shoes in the summer. He even bought a pair of dr schols inserts from that machine at the drug store. He loves those! He stopped running and has moved to biking. We have his bike in our basement in the winter with one of those things on the back wheel so he can ride at home. He also keeps a frozen water bottle in the freezer and rolls his arch and heel over it on the floor while we are watching tv at night (usually only when he feels like an attack is coming on) It won’t last forever! I have several friends that have had this and it doesn’t last forever, so try not to worry too much. You will have to adjust your workouts, but you will find something NEW you like!

  33. Jo-Lynne, I am so sorry you are having such a hard time, but I have been there completely. I have chronic PF, and the last time it took EIGHT MONTHS to resolve. I have a fabulous podiatrist, and he has given me cortisone shots for pinched nerves in my toes (ouch, by the way!) but mine wasn’t responsive to the cortisone. I felt like the little mermaid–walking on knives with every step. My best trick was to freeze a bottle of water and roll in back and forth under my arch. And lots of limping. 🙁 About your nose, I almost laughed, because I was painting my mother’s bathroom ceiling last summer, and the electrical box for the fan/light fell out and smacked me right across the nose! Like you, bleeding and shocked! So now I have this teeny tiny scar just above the bridge of my nose. Luckily, I got ice on it right away and it didn’t bruise too bad, but still…..sometimes you just have to laugh so you won’t scream! BTW, if you look at the ingredients on all those products for reducing the appearance of scars, they all have onion juice as an ingredient! That seems to be the homeopathic remedy for that.

    I’ll be praying for you. In the words of Mother Theresa: “I know God won’t give me more than I can handle, but sometimes I wish he didn’t trust me so much!”

  34. Im SO sorry to hear you’re having a touch time. Seems like it comes in waves, doesn’t it? My dad always told me that when a string of bad things happen, keep your chin up, because a string of good things usually follows. And he’s right…they usually do! Hang in there… God’s big enough to walk (no pun intended) you through this and you will get to the other side a more trusting, whole, and stronger person!

  35. Morning Jo-Lynne – It is not unusual to still have pain after the first shot. It is a little different to be in more pain. Give the Doctors a chance. Some times the area is so inflamed that it takes more then one shot. I have had the same problem and it does heal eventually with the shots. I have also had to have them in my back and it took 3 shots to finally have no pain. I know we all want instant results but sometimes just knowing that it still will take a while helps us deal with the issue.
    Hopefully they will say just what I have and you will be much better soon.
    As for always being cheery I love your posts but we are all humans and need to express our other sides once in a while. Maybe we can all cheer you as youcheer us every day.

  36. Hi, Jo-Lynne. I read your blog daily but have never commented. This post, however, impacted me in such a way that I couldn’t keep quiet. I am so sorry you’re struggling, but may I just say what a relief it was to see a sister in Christ admit things are not always sunshine & roses?!

    I’ve been in a dark place for several weeks and feeling all kinds of guilty about it. I belong to Jesus, after all; aren’t I supposed to expect times like this and not be surprised at them? And mine are not serious by most people’s standards at all. I have an awesome husband and three precious children. I don’t know if it’s the time of year (as far as I’m concerned, once Christmas is over, winter should be as well) the season of parenting we’re in (my kids have just turned 6, 4 & 2), or something else altogether, but I feel a crushing loneliness.

    I am very much an introvert. Earlier in my life and less mature in my walk with God, I would bristle when it was suggested that we were not created to do this Christian life alone. Now, however, I’ve come to realize that I desperately long to connect deeply with a few people who will mind my business and get in my face and be concerned with how I live out my faith; who will tell me honestly when I’m failing to see God at work and when I’m in danger of succumbing to temptation or being a hypocrite. But wanting that & having it are a different story, and right now I take my daughter to school functions and all the parents are chatting with each other…and then there’s me. Take her to dance…same scenario. I hate small talk, but I’m dying for meaningful connection and feeling like a loser because I don’t have it. This life is hard. Parenting is hard. Being a godly wife is hard. I’m finally ready to admit I need people who will encourage me to keep walking it when my flesh tells me to give up. So where are “my people?!”

    I am praying for your recovery and for peace in the meantime. Thank you for being transparent. You may simply have been venting, but your words ministered to me.

    In Christ,

  37. I’m sorry to hear of your situation. I was depressed and anxious last year when I was dealing with GERD and mild gastritis. Since January 2013 I have been following an anti-inflammatory diet…there is information on it at Dr. Scott Stoll Ministries. It’s helped me significantly with my reflux and my husband with his arthritis. I also chipped two bones in my foot right before Christmas and I was back to regular activities after four weeks (although I’m not a runner — I just like walking in the mornings). Anti-inflammatory diets are definitely worth looking into if you’re having pain/inflammation in your body. I will be praying for you!

  38. Jo-Lynne, I feel terrible for you. Everyone goes through those rough times and you are allowed to feel bad about it! But you’ll get through and things will improve… it’s just hard to be patient and see that when you’re going through it all and it feels like forever. You might want to try tumeric capsules, they’re supposed to be anti-inflammatory. I just got some for those times I usually take Tylenol (no Motrin or Advil for me anymore becuase of stomach issues).

  39. Your poor thing! I’m so sorry you are all beat up! Until it happens, I always forget how much physical pain affects emotionally/mentally, it is hard to focus on anything else!

  40. Every cloud has a silver lining 🙂 Your blog is such a breath of fresh air, it’s great to see you’re a human being (I feel like I know you personally reading all of your lovely posts even though you don’t know me from a bar of blue soap) who lives a normal life, with ups as well as downs, just like the rest of us. And so wonderful of you to share your hurts as well as your joys with us all – not many people would do that. Remember its darkest just before dawn so get ready for all the blessings that are coming your way soon!

    A great thing I learnt the other day is that the opposite of fear is FAITH – fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real (but its not real).

    Praying for a speedy and miraculous recovery xx

  41. You strike me as a very smart person that can handle most anything. Take one day at a time one thing at a time. Research some safe proven ways to keep that cut from scarring while it heals. The foot , well that will only get better with rest sorry to say! Maybe massage would help. Take care. 😉

  42. Hi!

    Just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better soon. I have been where you are, and feel so badly for you. I had to stop working a few years ago at the age of 51, after several back injuries aggravated my scoliosis. The most challenging thing was realizing that my identity was tied up in what I did, not who I was. I struggled for a long time but came out the other end realizing that I am still useful, important, and have found other things that can bring me joy.

    My husband is struggling with plantar fasciitis also, and although nowhere near as severe, I have shared some of your posts with him hoping to bring him relief. It is a terribly painful condition and strikes you when you least expect it.

    I am praying for you and am so glad you shared your struggle. Thank you.

  43. God love you – ! It’s ok to feel like that — it’s only human right ? And I think it’s part of the healing process. I hope your foot feels better soon and you have some relief. Perhaps you need to step back now and just give it a few weeks before you make any other decisions regarding the second shot. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted.

  44. Great post! I had a mild case of p.f. and have realized that I can never ever ever wear flat shoes. If I wear “flats” they must be high quality and have some type of arch support. My flip flops can’t be flat to the ground, but need to have a slight wedge. This is true of all my shoes. I have gone barefoot all of my life whenever possible, and now I rarely do – even around the house. I can’t wear Keds or anything like them. Boots and high quality Asics are all I wear in the winter. In the summer it is wedge type flip flops. While your foot is healing it is very important to wear something with the right kind of support every time you put weight on your foot. My mother always wore very expensive inserts in her shoes. My son’s foot had to be put in a cast in order for it to heal.

  45. I believe it is God’s way of slowing us down and focussing on Him and what really matters to us in life. Then He uses it for good to help others. But in the meantime, I pray you get healing and relief soon!

  46. Oh, goodness. That really is a rough patch. That part about feeling like a spoiled brat resonates with me. But here’s the thing–we all have ups and downs and I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking a time out to travel through the dumps for awhile. As long as you remain a traveler, just passing through. Something tells me you don’t have plans to move in and stay for any length of time.

    I hope that these few interim days have brought healing, both physical and not.

    Also, I love that you posted this. It keeps you real 🙂

  47. Oh man, you’ve had a tough go at it, huh? 🙁 I completely understand how you are feeling, last summer after running for about two years, I developed a stress fracture in my shin. I was “benched” for three months and had to wear the ugliest boot. Once the boot came off, I couldn’t get right back to running. I needed to find something to do so I started to go to spin classes. Let me just say, it was love at first spin! I now alternate spinning and running and have even taken classes that combine spin/strength training (with wonderful results) and I couldn’t be happier. Long story short, I never would have considered spinning if I wasn’t “benched’. So, this could be a great time to explore some alternatives. You never know!! Sending you some sunshine:)

  48. I hope this doesn’t sound snarky and cold, but I was so relieved to read your post today. I love you and your blog, and I don’t think you’re overly positive or not-candid. I think you are. But I needed to hear someone else’s struggle today. Not to compare or contrast, but just to remind myself that we’re ALL STRUGGLING. We are in good company. Thank you for sharing yours. I hurt for you. I really do. I’ve suffered with plantar fasciitis too (but mine is under control right now…) and my husband who LOVED running and ran marathons and lost big weight…cannot run again because of back and sciatic nerve problems. So I definitely hear your struggle.

    I’ve been struggling too. With a huge, huge relationship issue. And it’s been eating my lunch! My posts have shown it, unfortunately. I don’t usually, but during this particular struggle I’ve worn my feelings on my sleeve so much they’re getting in my soup! You might want to stop by my blog this week and next. That’s exactly what I’m posting about: personal struggles. I don’t know exactly where all my posts are going right now…I’m trying my best to keep them positive and encouraging. But I’m guaranteeing authenticity.

    I care, Jo-Lynne, I really do. And I’m sorry that you’re struggling with all this junk. I hate junk.

  49. I know you must be tired of “helpful” hints but I will tell you that I suffered terribly with the same thing and my (many) pregnancies made it worse. I wouldn’t do anything about it because of the pregnancies but I did find a pair of Dansko professional clogs at a thrift store of all places and they worked.
    I was to the point of having to crawl to the bathroom at night and having to warm up my foot before I took a step out of bed. It might be the fact that your foot rolls in a Dansko. I know they are expensive but the many, many, many granny shoes I bought and the special inserts cost far more. Just be sure to get the old style professional. Dansko has tried to be fashionable so don’t get the new styles – you want the kind that the medical people wear.

  50. You should try to contact Saraa Pope and Pauala Jagger at the healthyhomeeconomist.com

    Also, the Ginaelloni family blog has a lot of info. regardin homeopathy

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