

My Son is ELEVEN.

Yesterday my son turned 11.  I know everyone says they don’t know where the time goes, but seriously.  I DON’T KNOW WHERE THE TIME GOES.

Eleven sounds like such a big number, but he’s still a little boy in so many ways.  He still hugs me in public and gets teary-eyed when he’s frustrated or embarrassed.  When I go in to kiss him goodnight, his cheeks are still soft and smooth like a baby’s.  I tease him that it won’t be too awful long before I go to kiss him goodnight and I find sideburns and whiskers.

I asked him recently if he’ll still hug me when he’s as tall as I am, and he shrugged and said, “I dunno.”  I suppose that’s an honest answer.

Yesterday was a crazy day because I was at the Wise Traditions Conference in the morning and at Wegmans after that.  I managed to bake his cake before leaving for the conference, so when I got home all I had to do was frost it.  We had a quick cake-and-presents ceremony before leaving for evening church.

Somehow we didn’t get cake shots, we were in such a rush.  But his real birthday party is scheduled for this weekend, so I’ll get a second chance.  We are having our first ever sleepover party.  {Hold me.}  That’s true mother’s love right there.

Here’s wishing a happy, happy birthday to my Little Man!

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17 Responses

  1. Time does go by quickly. Whether he knows it or not, I’m sure he’ll still give you hugs.


  2. He is so handsome! And he will make a better husband because he has 2 sisters to teach him about living with females…ha!

  3. Happy Birthday to the 11 year old! He’s such a sweetie, I just love that kid. Come August I expect you to hold me as my little girl turns 10. These kids and their aging on us…what the heck?!?!

  4. Happy 11th birthday D!

    No matter how old they get, I think moms always see the little boy in them. I love that about us.

    Funny! It must be a regional (rural area?) thing because by the time my son turned 11 we were out of the sleep over stage. (Once, when he turned 9 we had SIX boys stay the night – oy).

  5. My daughter turned three yesterday. I agree, although my span of time is admittedly less than yours, that the time goes by so fast. I mean, I find it hard to believe that my son is six months old already. So years are even more amazing. Happy belated birthday to your little guy! Hope his day was fantastic!

  6. Happy 11th Birthday to him! If it’s any consolation, a boy sleepover is so much quieter and easier than a girl sleepover! We had a boy one last weekend and a girl one this past weekend. Huge difference in the two!

  7. Happy Birthday to him! The time does go by so quickly. My oldest just turned 18 a few months ago and my baby will be 13 in Feb. I just keep asking myself how did all this happen so fast? I am sure when he is as tall as you he will still be hugging and kissing you. There is a boy (8th grader) that plays sports at our youth center with local kids and he still hugs his parents in public and he is just as tall has is dad! Good luck with the sleepover, you do know that there probably won’t be much sleeping going on, right?

  8. Congratulations!
    He is so good looking.

    We actually celebrated my daughter’s birthday last weekend. And we have another celebration with relatives coming up this weekend. So, I have a full two weeks of Masha’s birthdays ….

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