

So Here’s the Deal.

It’s Wednesday.  Good traffic day.  There is this pressure to write something GOOD.  I got nothing GOOD.  In fact, I got nuttin’.  Period.  Well, I was gonna tell you about a little mishap at the grocery store yesterday.  But honestly, how many of those can you read?

Okay, you want to hear it?  Twist my arm.

So the grocery store.  I do not relish grocery shopping with 2 kids but I often wait and go after they get out of school because I figure I’d rather do my work when they’re not around and then at least we can interact when we’re at the grocery store, even if it’s not as constructive as, say, taking them to a museum or a park or something.

Yes, you heard it here first.  I somehow justify the grocery store as quality together time.  Mom of the Year, right here.

The girls love to climb on the cart and I am FOREVER telling them no, and I get quite grumpy about it.  Yesterday we got to the store and I warned them before they even tried it, thinking that I’d head it off at the pass and maybe I could avoid being the grumpy mom for once.  This is, after all, our special time together, remember?  I crack myself up.


Well wouldn’t you know, I’m standing at the meat case, perusing the London Broil and the flank steaks when out of the corner of my eye I see my cart flip over sideways.


Because I am the model of calm, cool, and collected in the face of calamity.

My 6-year-old was UNDER the cart but unscathed.

I quickly righted it and scolded her, probably too loudly, that this is EXACTLY WHY I have told her a hundred and fifty-two times NOT TO HANG ON THE CART.

Remind me next time to grocery shop while the kids are in school and do my work while they vegetate in front of the TV.

Oh hey.  What did you think of the DWTS finale last night?  I am sorry, Shawn is adorable, but I really had her pegged for third place.  I would have been happier with Melissa or Gilles.  But then again, I didn’t vote, so I can’t complain.

COME CHECK OUT my interview on Karla’s Modern Media Mom today!

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18 Responses

  1. My son calls it the “fire truck ride” and i am CONSTANTLY telling him to either get in the cart or walk next to it (he is only 3). glad to know it is normal! And I am happy your daughter is okay.

  2. I don’t let the kids ride on the side of the cart, but Husband does. I just tell them I’m not strong enough to push it. And I would have totally flipped out if that happened to me. I also had nothing to write about today, but that didn’t stop me from posting. I should post an apology to my readers.

  3. Beautiful.

    Did I mention that the last meltdown of last night’s trip was when I mistakenly thought I could distract my daughter by showing her the bananas I was buying for her? (“Mmmm…look at the yummy bananas! You like bananas!”) And then had the nerve (the NERVE!) to take the bananas away after she decided to put them directly into her mouth? Has she never heard of the swine flu? Or just gross banana germs in general??

  4. I love the carts that have the car in front of them – I use to think they were a hassle but not anymore. I stick my two girls (4 years and 1 year) in the front and give them each a cookie. For awhile I feel as if I am almost shopping by myself.

  5. Weird about the grocery store…I do the same thing. I do all my “gotta be alone” work while my daughter is in school and then the grocery store sometimes afterwards.

  6. Oh those grocery carts!! You know Type A Mom wrote an article about the dangers and how many injuries happen annually… crazy. So glad to hear your kids are okay! Wouldn’t it be great if we could just do that shopping ALONE every time? ughh

    I don’t follow DWTS, but from what I can see, not too many people are super duper excited that the cute little gymnast won.

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. I’m so happy to hear someone else gripe about the whole grocery store dance. I have a 7 year old girl who insists (no matter how many times she’s been told)
    on climbing on the end of cart EVERY time. Uggghhhhh!

  8. I really don’t get why it’s so fascinating to climb all over the cart and defy gravity, but I after all I’m not 5. I’m sure I’m quite a sight too trying to push and turn with a small child hanging off the front, or the side or underneath. Glad your daughter wasn’t hurt!

    About DWTS, my rooting was also based on the professional dancers. I REALLY wanted Melissa and Tony to win because I think Tony is soooo good and deserves a turn with the mirror ball trophy. I couldn’t root for Gilles (though he was an excellent dancer) beacause I can’t stand (CAN’T) Cheryl. Sorry. So I was sad to see Tony out, but liked Shawn and Mark so…blah, blah…I guess I’m okay with the results. I thought that comedian that roasted them was too over the top and mean, but I guess that’s what they were going for.

  9. I got nuthin on DWTS for you…but I had the BEST grocery store moment yesterday. Halfway through cooking my spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner I realize we have NO SAUCE. Hubby’s home, I run to the store. Around 6:30pm. Big mistake. While standing in line with my jars of sauce and milk (no point in going again the next day, right?), I see the most horrendous wardrobe fail. I actually smile and almost LOL for real and WISH that I had my camera phone with me. Without going into too much detail, a poor lady, there with her husband and teenager, wearing light colored, too tight capri pants, had the BIGGEST wedgie I have ever seen. Seriously, those pants (and panties too – you could see the lines) must have been wedged up there at least two inches! Hilarious. And it made my evening (and impromptu grocery trip, BTW I hate grocery shopping) just a little bit better. Thought I’d share.

  10. I, too, was a bit troubled by Shawn’s win. I was a Gilles fan from day one, but I do admit that his looks tend to make me biased. Melissa is a great dancer–should have definitely been 1st or 2nd. I just could never get over Shawn’s physique, which, while incredibly perfect for gymnastics, didn’t suit her as a dancer—no matter how good she got, she never ‘looked’ the part.

  11. I go to the grocery store after bedtime to avoid fiascoes.

    I am happy with the Dancing result. Shawn did have a handicap and that was that she is way to young to use any kind of s**uality in her presentation like ALL the other stars did with gusto, but she still did a fantastic job. And I loved her partner too–he is so fun to watch as far as expression.

    I thought all three were excellent and they should all be happy to have done so well!!

  12. LOL! Thanks for my good laugh of the day! I cannot imagine that happening, but I have SUCH an image in my head. haha. I would have definitely screeched too! 😛

  13. Kids can’t help but look at shopping carts as playthings. I’m glad your kid was okay though!

  14. I loved Shawn, and was happy on a personal note that she won, but Gilles probably deserved it.

  15. Glad your daughter was okay!

    I remember climbing on carts as a kid – it was the best thing ever. The carts had a flappy bit at the front that folded up. I have no idea why, but it was fun to creep through the front of the cart into it, then climb out from the basket. It drove my mom nuts, especially when we accidentally squished the bread.

  16. Hey – you’re doing better than me…I didn’t post at all today LOL

    And shopping trips definitly count as quality time. At least, they better. Because that’s what I do too 🙂

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