

Wish List!

I’ve been tagged.  Or carded.  Or whatever the latest term is.  It means I get to do a meme.  Two wish lists, one for stuff and one for prayers.

Okay, here we go.

1) Invisalign.  When I was a kid I had The Ugliest Teeth EV-AH.  I know you think you did, but really, I did.  I swear.  I wouldn’t even smile when I got old enough to realize how ridiculous my teeth looked.

So my mom made the sacrifices that only a mother will make to pay to have my teeth straightened.  For three years I was a.k.a. Metal Mouth.  And then they came off, and I had gorgeous straight teeth.  For a few years, anyway.

And then they started moving crooked again, stubborn teeth that I have.  And naturally I was too irresponsible to wear my retainer.  Now, as an adult, they are getting worse and worse.  And they bug me.  And I get food stuck in them.  And I can’t clean them well, especially the bottom ones.

So a few months ago I took my son to an orthodontist for his initial consultation.  The orthodontist determined that my son won’t need braces for a few years.  I, however, am a prime candidate for Invisalign.  Cha-Ching!

Invisalign means no metal — just these clear plastic aligners that should put my teeth back in their original straight position in just one short year.  IF I wear them, of course.  I’d like to think that I’m more responsible now than I was when I was 15, but don’t hold me to it.

So that’s number one on my wish list.  And the good news is, I already know I’m getting them!  I had the molds made this week, signed my life away as well as that of my first born, and the aligners should be here in a month or so!  Woot!

Okay, I promise the rest of the items on my wish list will NOT require that much explanation.  Sheesh!

2) Stairs off of our deck.  A nice big deck with stairs down to the yard.  This one ain’t happening, but it will be on my wish list until it does.  Our house has a small deck off our kitchen, but there are no stairs down to the ground.  It’s great for containing my 2-year-old when she she wants to be outside and I don’t want to have to supervise the yard.  But it’s not so great for, you know, accessing our backyard! 

3) A Chevy Tahoe.  Again.  Ain’t happenin’.  But this is a WISH list, right?

4) I still want a pair of fur lined boots or clogs or shoes or something warmer than ballet flats.  But I doubt I’ll get them.  The only ones I can find that I want cost more than I want to spend right now.  But I’m keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal on something cute when I’m out and about.

5) New family room carpet.  I have three kids.  Need I say more?

Okay.  Onto the important stuff.

1) Patience and self-control.  I have three kids, need I say more?

2) The discipline to read my bible and pray daily.  This one is easy, right?  JUST DO IT.  Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

3) Repentance and salvation for unsaved friends and family.

4) A solution for my raging PMS symptoms.  Either diet or medicine or I don’t know what, but something’s gotta give.

5) Dedication to keeping up my exercise regimen.

There!  That about covers it.  If you haven’t already been tagged or carded or whatever, feel free to play along!

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26 Responses

  1. Oooh, be careful about praying for patience! The road to patience is trials. Good luck! Diddo on praying for dedication for daily reading. I am working on that, too.

  2. While reading #1 I thought it was me, at least up to the point of getting Invisalign.I am so happy for you. You have a great wish list. We have a lot of the same wishes,patients, self control and the PMS thing.
    Great list I enjoy it a lot.

  3. We have a deck with no stairs, too, so I feel your pain there. The Invisalign intrigues me and I’ll be paying attention to how you like the treatment/results. Hope it goes well!

  4. Don’t you know that there isn’t a cure for PMS? We can cure cancer and send a man to the moon, but we can’t use science to make the monthly go away. Explain that one to me!? It’s WRONG, I tell you, WRONG.

    Love your list. I say get the boots and the Tahoe. You’ve been good. You deserve it!

  5. A complete and total hysterectomy (ovaries included) is a great cure for PMS. Of course, that leaves you with menopause, but you can deal with that on your next list.

  6. Super List! I just picked up a brochure about those braces when I went to the dentist on Friday. I can’t stand the dentist, it’s like I can’t leave with a good thing. LOL But this time I did! Yeah!

    BTW, I heard Tom Cruise has these same braces! Go figure!

  7. My husband had braces twice. His second set he got off practically the day before our wedding. Invisilign seems like a great product!

    Great list. I’m sure I could come up with one too. A new deck might be on it.. . .

  8. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  9. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  10. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  11. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  12. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  13. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  14. I agree….NEVER pray for patience; you will get a trial, and those are never fun.

    Chaste Tree Extract. It’s the answer to my “monthly mental illness,” as I put it. It’s just an herbal thing I take twice a day, and it’s a lot cheaper than birth control pills. It’s good for PMS and endometriosis, and I got the idea from my friend, who is a holistic medicine freak; I took it to humor her, and it worked!

  15. Ooohhhh…Invisalign! I have been wanting those for a while now. I too, stopped wearing my retainers (in college, because who wants to wear their retainers forever?) and now my teeth are just as crooked as they were when I got my braces in 7th grade! grrrrr….

  16. I can help with the exercise regime! Oh yeah, just remembered that the kids are off Thurs & Fri. Want to meet at the Y on Wed.? Can’t help with the boots. I am shopping from my closet right now!
    And, I would definitely love a new deck. Know any “Handy Guys working together on Honey-Do lists” around? Hehe.

  17. My ob/gyn put me on a really lose dose of prozac for my severe PMS symptoms. I only take 2 weeks before my period starts and when I start I stop taking it. I’ve only been on it since Nov. and I can already tell a huge difference. You might want to check into it- it works great for me.

  18. i would love InvisAlign, just because these bottom teeth o’mine are starting to get a bit more crookedy than i’d like.

    but i *think* i know how much they cost, and, as they’re not covered by insurance, i don’t see that happenin’!

  19. As for the warm, furry boots – I saw a bunch on the clearance rack at my local Target yesterday. I didn’t check the price, tho. And I live in Southern California, so that could explain why there were so many…but it’s worth looking! Good luck with all the wishes! :o)

  20. Hey, fellow housewife… Good luck with Invisalign. I went through the process a year ago, and my teeth look GORGEOUS! My dentist also put bleaching solution in the aligners, so my teeth are white and bright (but not too white–they can control the color).

    I wear a retainer at night. You have to do that with metal braces or Invisalign to make sure your teeth don’t get crooked again. I love love love this product. And I smile all the time now.

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