

How Much Do You Tip Your Babysitters?

The holidays are coming, and we all want to show appreciation to the various service people in our lives. Teachers, mailmen, hairdressers, babysitters . . . even the garbage collectors are accustomed to receiving a tip these days, judging by the Chrismas cards they left on our trashcans last week.

I’m all about showing appreciation to the service providers in my life, but I admit I’m sometimes stumped as to the appropriate gift to give or amount to tip. I found this information in my inbox recently, and I thought it was interesting.

Parents often ask, “how much should I give my nanny for Christmas?” or “what should I give my babysitter for the holidays?” This UrbanSitter 2012 Holiday Gifting Survey Infographic show how much parents spend on holiday gifts for their nannies and babysitters.


What To Give the Nanny for Year End Bonus:

  • The most popular holiday gift for nannies is a Christmas bonus of one week’s pay.
  • 97% of parents surveyed give their nanny a Christmas bonus or gift.
  • Popular nanny gifts and babysitter gifts include: gift cards to a favorite retailer or restaurant, spa items or as gift card for spa services, scarves, other handmade items, a framed photo of the kids, candles, gourmet foods such as baked goods or chocolates and fine teas.

What To Get Babysitters for Christmas:

  • 3 out of 4 parents surveyed give their babysitter gifts or a year end bonus for Christmas.
  • Of the parents who give cash, 17% give less than $25, 39% give $25-75, and 44% give over $75.
  • If you live in San Francisco, be prepared to give a bit more, as the average parent gives over $75 to the babysitter for Christmas.
  • New Yorkers are likely to give the babysitter a year end bonus of over $100!

I don’t have a regular nanny, but I do have quite a few babysitters that we use for evenings out and days when I have to travel. I intend to send them each a small token of thanks like a gift card or something of that nature.

I do, however, have a regular cleaning lady, and I gave her a Christmas bonus of one week’s pay.

Do you tip your babysitters, cleaning ladies, hair dressers and other service providers for the holidays? What is your practice?

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