


The good news is, we have carpet.

The bad news is, I’m allergic to it.

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10 Responses

  1. Maybe it is just the glue you’re allergic to. Or! You could use this as an excuse to get a Dyson if you don’t have one! Hmmm, that just gave me an idea….

  2. How bad is it? Can you vacuum it a LOT? I know that new carpet fibers can cause problems, but once the air settles maybe you’ll be okay??? (hoping so)

  3. Maybe you should spend the weekend at a luxury hotel, while you wait for the air to settle, and then on Monday see how you feel.
    OR you could call the carpet place and see what they say, can you return carpet? If anyone can do it, you can.
    I do hope you are okay once the air clears!

  4. Yeah, there is that “new carpet smell” just like the new car smell. Maybe that diminishing and vacuuming will help a lot.’

    Good luck!

  5. All the chemicals that carpet releases over its life, the dust mites and other allergens and its innate ability to hold onto so much dirt makes carpet not my favorite flooring. Give me wood or tile any day!
    Sorry you are sneezing so much. 🙂

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