

Coffee Talk 03.13.22

Well, this week sure has flown! I can hardly believe it, but it’s almost time for C to head back to college. It’s been really nice to have her here, although I haven’t seen much of her. She commandeered my dining room, and she’s been sewing like it’s her job all week long, making a new dress and altering a few other things.

As much as she’s enjoyed being home, sewing and spending time with Savannah, she’s definitely ready to get back to her friends and her newfound independence. I’ll miss her, of course, but I’m happy that she’s happy there.

Just as her spring break is winding down, D’s is taking off. I realize colleges are all autonomous institutions, but it sure would be nice if they would align their semesters so they all had the same spring break week. We will never be able to go anywhere as a family for the week because all my kids have different school schedules.

And of course R’s is entirely different because the public schools schedule their spring break around Easter each year. But anyway! It is what it is. I keep telling myself, one day they will all be out of school and life will be more flexible… until they start having kids, and then I guess it starts all over again, am I right?

It’s been a fairly quiet weekend around here, without any indoor drumline competitions or family visits… although C did visit Paul’s mom on Friday night, so I’m glad that worked out. But the rest of us have been pretty much hanging out here at home.

Paul and I have started watching Severance with D, and we got caught up on that. It’s a new mini series on Apple TV that he thought we’d like it. I’m not much into sci-fi, but it’s okay. I’m just glad my son wants to do something with his old parents, and it gets him out of his room.

And American Idol started up this week, so R and I have been watching that. If it sounds like all I do is work and watch TV, that’s pretty much the long and the short of it.

Well, I read too. I’m almost finished with The Warsaw Orphan. I think being home so much during Covid really brought out my introverted side.

I’ll be getting out and about a bit more this week, I think. I have a lunch date with a friend tomorrow, and I’m way overdue for a manicure, so I’m going to take care of that on Tuesday. Alison is coming over to shoot some beauty products for QVC on Wednesday, and my nails are in no condition to be photographed. It’s a nice side benefit of this job, that I sort of have to keep up with my nails!

Then my parents are coming up next weekend for a visit, so that will be fun. I hope the weather is nice.

And that’s about all I’ve got! I hope you all are surviving this most dreary month of the year. I’m trying not to let it get me down. With everything going on in the world, I realize it’s a privilege to complain about the weather and prattle on about TV shows and overdue manicures.

I was at the mall this week, and the sales associate I was working with is from Ukraine. She was telling me about her friend who is stuck in Mariupol and can’t leave and another one who managed to get out just in time because she happened to be on year 4 of a 10-year visa. She is trying to help that friend get settled in over here. Talking to her brought it all a little closer to home.

So yeah, I’m just trying to keep it all perspective and hugging my kids a little tighter… when they will let me get near them, anyway.

Have a blessed Sunday!

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8 Responses

  1. All in all, it sounds like your family had a good week! I hope that Paul has fully recovered from his surgery last year and that all of the prior issues are gone bye bye. If all of the schools had spring break at the same time, can you imagine the overwhelming crowds at some of the prime spots! It would be beyond crazy. Ukraine is in our thoughts and prayers, for sure. Have a beautiful day!

  2. The Evereve striped wrap that you had featured on your Florida trip was delivered to me this weekend! Since it’s still cold here in CT, yet I can’t wait to wear it, I plan on layering it over a white button down shirt and wear it to work this week.
    Wishing your Daughter a safe trip back to school. This semester will be over before we know it. Working in a school, I’m always amazed how quickly the school year speeds by.

  3. Wow, I sure understand about different spring breaks. When my kids were growing up, they were in a different school district than I was. Our spring breaks only aligned twice during their school years. Mine was always the week before Easter and theirs was the week after. However for at least the last ten years, my school district has scheduled spring break for the last full week of March, which is nice. I like having the consistency and knowing when it will be each year, even if we don’t travel anywhere.

  4. I just saw that your picture is featured on the Evereve site for the “how to wear it” section for the white sweater. So pretty, Ms. JoLynne!! 😘
    I ordered the initial necklace. Happy Sunday!

  5. When our kids had their university spring break it was in February and usually accompanied with work 🤷‍♀️.. so we planned our trips as soon as they finished up exams which was usually sometime in April. They both attended the same university until our son switched and by then our daughter was done! Thank goodness it worked out as we got to enjoy some great trips south!
    Safe travels to Caroline heading back!

  6. I just read The Warsaw Orphan. It was so good! It really made my heart wrench for the people of Ukraine right now.

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