

Mother’s Day Tea

mothers day tea 2007 - 1

One of my favorite things about preschool is the little Mother’s Day program they have every year.  I learned the hard way to keep my Kleenex handy.  Today’s was no different.

We played “Guess The Mommy”.  The kids had made cards where they drew a picture of their mommy and then dictated a little paragraph about her.  The teacher showed each picture, read the paragraph, and then the mommies were supposed to guess which one was theirs.

This was mine:

She lets me sleep in her bed in the middle of the night when I come into her bed.  Sometimes I sleep in my own bed all night and all morning.  She watches me outside when my daddy plays with me when he gets home from work.  She gets my little sister when she is crying in her bed.  We go to the mall.  We put money in the water fountain. She is going to my school to drink tea.

Some of the moms were stumped, and not all of them guessed correctly. But I knew after the first line that this one belonged to me.

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13 Responses

  1. I love the little paragraph! And the pictures are wonderful, you look great!!

    I like your blog picture, too, by the way.

  2. What great pics and memories. I always used to love those Mother’s Day teas. It was always so cute and/or funny what the kids would say on those little things. My son said I worked in a bank. I had no idea where he got that from as my job of child care provider was the farthest thing from working in a bank that I could think of. :vD

    I tried to leave a comment on the “questions” post but it wouldn’t let me.

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