

And This Time We Paid For Our Lunch!

This morning, Girlymama and I, along with the rest of the state of Pennsylvania, apparently, braved the new Philadelphia Premium Outlets for their Grand Opening. 

Unfortunately poor Girlymama was the victim of some sort of enormous evacuation of the major highway that feeds the outlets, so I shopped by myself for the first hour until she got there.  I’m sure she’ll tell the full story in living color once she gets a chance to sit down at the computer.

Getting in and out of the parking lot was an act of Congress, but beyond that, it was a delightful shopping excursion.  Even Baby R was cooperative and let me go in store after store after store with nary a squawk.  It’s a beautiful outdoor mall with a bunch of great stores, many that I’ve never seen before in an outlet mall.  If anyone lives within a reasonable vicinity, I highly recommend taking a little day trip.


Don’t forget to sign up to win a free sample of Febreze To Go over at my review blog.

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9 Responses

  1. Sheesh. Demanding, aren’t we?

    I might have purchased a little somethin’ somethin’.

    No pictures, sorry. My camera’s too huge to cart along on a serious shopping excursion.

  2. I passed on going to the outlets the first day. Although that $5000 shopping spree prize was pretty tempting. I heard about the traffic but no one knew what it was from.

  3. Okay… I am certainly behind in my blog reading. Geez, take a few days off and see what happens! LOL!! And shopping to pass time? My favorite way to pass time!

  4. Hopefully I’ll get there one of these days… It’s a little far from Downingtown but I’m sure that it’s well worth it!

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