

Bloomingdale’s Friends and Family: 25% Off Holiday Gifts and Party Attire

** This post is sponsored by Bloomingdale’s.

It’s almost like Black Friday never ended! Bloomingdale’s is doing a Friends & Family Sale through next Wednesday, 12/13, with 25% off select items. Included are tons of premium denim, luxe cashmere, winter coats, cocktail & party attire, and a wide assortment of holiday gifts for everyone on your list.

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In my hunt for a holiday cocktail party dress and the necessary accoutrements, I’ve found lots of great options at Bloomingdale’s. From party dresses and festive tops to shoes to accessories, they have pretty much everything you need for the season.

I know a lot of you also have events coming up you need outfits for, so I’ve rounded up a bunch of great options that are part of the sale.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Men & Women

And for those not in need of holiday party attire, Bloomingdale’s also has a wide assortment of gifts for men and women at a variety of price points that are included in their Friends & Family event. I rounded up a bunch of my favorites below.

A few stand-out favorites are these PJ Salvage pajamas and this luxe cashmere sweater for the women, and the leather BOSS card case and watch roll for the guys. I hope this is helpful for those who are still shopping!

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Shop those and more below:

HOLIDAY SHIPPING DEADLINE: The Bloomingdale’s holiday shipping cutoff date is Wednesday, 12/20 at 11:59 PM EST, so be sure to get your orders in before that to get them in time for Christmas!

Also, Bloomingdale’s Loyallists get free shipping every day, plus you can earn rewards and other perks. It’s easy and free, so be sure to sign up!

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9 Responses

  1. Oooh……..#2, 3, and 6 yes!

    As I said on instagram – I HATE flying things and I even find myself ducking for butterlies in life (I would NEVER EVER even think of going to a butterfly house). Never had a bird inside but at least it’s big – did have a wasp once and that about put me over the edge ha. I def know my strengths…..and weaknesses.

  2. Oh my. I kept thinking of that bird pooping as it flew around. You might want to look around lol. I had a bird in the house years ago and we had to do the same thing to get it out. Yikes. But the worse was about a year ago I thought we had a bird in the house and it was a bat who flew in from the garage when open. Now that was terrible. I called my husband right away from work and in the mean time was scared to let it out of my sight. It flew upstairs and they hide in the dark. So I turned on all the lights and tried to shut doors but was afraid to get near it. It finally landed on the guest bedroom door right by the hidge. I stood and watched it then when my husband got home he thought to lay paper on the floor underneath, then shut it in the door hidge. It worked perfect. It fell right to the paper. You’d think the hidge would be a mess,but it wasn’t at all, but we sterilized with gloves etc after removing the bat. I couldn’t even look at it up close and my husband was having a hard time too. Sooooo I feel your pain you had Monday. Now I never open the garage door and go back and forth without shutting it inbetwen times.

    1. I’m terrified of bats! I would have to leave the house if one got inside. To me they look demonic. Shudder!
      Birds and butterflies I have no problem with but bats, I scream and shake.

  3. You were brave! I’m also so scared of birds and whenever one has gotten inside I shut myself in a room and let my husband deal with it entirely on his own.

  4. My apologies for laughing about the bird but all I could envision was the scene from The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Ackroyd when the bat got into their cabin. I hope your blood pressure has stabilized 🙂

    Have a great day!

  5. At least you didn’t have a mouse or snake in the house. That would freak me out. I’m not scared of birds but I wouldn’t want in my house pooping everywhere. As far as flying things I am now scared to death of bees. I got stunk this past summer at a water park and developed an infection on my leg that turned to cellulitis. It was awful. Bees carry a lot of nasty bacteria from trash cans. I saw an episode on Bones about bacteria from bird poop. The guy was wearing a mask. I can’t remember what he said about it that was dangerous.

  6. I would probably have to move! LOL! But that does remind me of a great story I heard probably twenty years ago that I’ve never forgotten. The lady telling the story said she’d had a bird in her garage and could not get it out. She tried everything she could think of and it was a comedy of errors. After what seemed like hours, ANOTHER bird flew in and she thought she was doomed to have two birds trapped in her garage forever. But instead, the second bird seemed to show the first one how to get out and they both flew happily away. When she thought about it, she realized it was an illustration of what Jesus did – He put on flesh and became like us to show us the way. We never would have understood if He wasn’t one of us. Now, I would definitely never want a bird in my house, BUT that story stuck with me!

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