

Loving Lately: Finds Under $150

It’s been a while since I’ve done a roundup of random items that I’m enjoying these days, so I pulled these together.

There’s no specific theme here, just a few things I’ve been wearing or using on repeat, some new arrivals I’m excited to show you, my current nail polish color, and the latest book I’m reading…

Loving Lately: Finds Under $150

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0 Responses

  1. I love this post! Such a great list for giving Valentine hints😉 or just treating ourselves! We can all use A little something to brighten up these dreary days.

    The Frozen River is so good! If you like historical fiction it’s definitely one for you.

    The size reviews on those Kut jeans are all over the place. How did you find the fit?

      1. Ok thanks. You answered my question. I really need to order two sizes but hate returns. lol. I think I’ll order the book. I love historical fiction. I’m glad you are still doing family vacations. The older they get the harder it is to get everyone together. My three are 3-4 yrs apart so they were always going so many different ways between sports, college, jobs etc. Now married with a kid and more in the way it’s harder to vacation together. So I’m glad you booked Florida. Sounds fun. This Winter is long. We just spent a week in Bend, Oregon where two of my three live. Snow there.

        1. I know, returns are the worst. But it really does pay to order 2 sizes most of the time. I do that for almost every pair of jeans these days.

          I hear ya on the kids’ schedules. David has to work part of the week, so I will be surprised if he agrees to come down by himself to join us, but I’m hoping he will.

          1. Thanks Jo- Lynne. I’ll probably order them after I try on some that came in the mail today. Looking forward to you styling them. I hope it works out for David to join you. I know you all had fun together in Italy.
            I did order the book in todays post. 😌

          2. Hope y’all have a great time and you are able to have your entire brood together! Maybe David could fly down with a friend? Either way, hope it’s a fun filled relaxing getaway!

  2. Love the Z Supply sweatshirt. Did you order a small, Jo-Lynne? I am struggling with sizes. I lost about 20 pounds last year– now living my best IF life! But I keep ordering things that are too big. I now wear a M in most tops but have always worn a L– even when I weighed less.

    1. It’s only been a week and a half, I believe… correction! The last one was 1/12, so it HAS been a while. I didn’t realize. I was traveling last week for five days so I didn’t have time to put one together for last Friday, although that had been my goal.

      Try-on hauls take hours upon hours to create, between the trying on clothes and the picture editing and the linking up products and the writing of the posts. 🤪 They’re some of my favorites tho. I actually have one planned for tomorrow.

      1. I personally enjoy the short simple posts, either a quick roundup like this or the how to/ outfit formula type posts. Don’t pressure yourself, this job should be fun!

  3. I read The Frozen River a couple of weeks ago. It’s amazing! I think it will come out as one of my top 10 books of the year and I usually have about 150 to choose from.

  4. I almost ordered the straight Kut ultility jeans the other day. Do you know how they run. I’ve had Kut before but it’s been awhile. I’m shorter than the model so not sure if all the design will add volume to my legs.

  5. I like the green wide leg pants with the flap pockets on back. I have some in camel and rust that I bought from Old Navy last year that look like it except for the back pockets. I’m interested in seeing you in the green Gap jacket. I was going to donate a jacket that is similar to that style but when I saw you bought it I am keeping it.

  6. Hello! Great post! I just ordered the Sabrina denim jacket and the olive Kut from Kloth. I took your advice from these comments and ordered 2 different sizes in the pants.

    Do you think the Sabrina demin jacket will be a timeless piece with the front pockets? Either way, it looks fun for spring and I am excited to get it!

    I also want to order the Beny flats. Do you have a Nordstrom link for these?

    Thanks for all your amazing posts!!!

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