

Spring & Summer Style Choices That Might Be Aging You

Getting older is a privilege not everyone gets to enjoy, so I don’t ever want to take that for granted, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look current and stylish as we age. No one wants to look frumpy or out of date, so I’ve rounded up some spring and summer style choices women make that make them look older… and how to fix them.

Style Choices That Make You Look Older

Some of these are very specific and others are more general, but they’re all things women tend to do that can add years to their appearance.

#1. Frumpy Sandals

wear this

Since we’re talking specifically about spring/summer style, let’s start with sandals! My friend Jen at Everyday Style School is fond of saying, “Shoes make the outfit.” I never thought about it quite like that, but she is so right. Even if your outfit is on point, an unfortunate footwear choice can ruin the entire look.

A good rule of thumb with sandals is the less foot coverage, the better. Also, straps that create diagonal rather than horizontal lines typically look less frumpy. Look for thinner straps rather than thick, chunky straps, and try to avoid a strap that cuts across the ankle, especially in a high contrast color to your skin tone.

Also, color really matters here. Black footwear should never be the default, especially in the spring/summer. Light neutrals and metallics are better choices. If you need a comfort sandal, look for molded footbeds to provide support, and go for lighter colors and summery fabrics like raffia and cork.

#2. Outdated Eyeglasses

This is true for all seasons, of course, but this is as good a time as any to reassess your eyewear and determine if it’s time for a new look. Warby Parker tends to carry more modern options than your hometown optician’s office, and they make it easy to try several styles at home. They even have some brick and mortar retail stores, if you’re fortunate enough to live near one of those.

Shop modern frames here:

#3. Wearing Long or Oversized Shirts

wear this

As women age and see their bodies changing, it’s tempting to try to cover up the areas we don’t like with shirts that are too long or baggy and oversized. But when you try to hide your body by wearing bigger sizes or wearing things that don’t have a shape, you’re actually creating the opposite effect.

Instead, go for shorter (but not cropped) tops that balance the outfit, or try a front tuck to raise the height of a longer top. Another option is to add structure with a fitted jacket or blazer.

#4. Worn-Looking Clothing, Shoes or Handbags

As you bring out your summer clothes and accessories, assess them for rips, tears, pills, scuffs, etc. When you wear clothes or accessories that look worn, it detracts from your entire look and can make you look older than you are.

Take the time to properly care for your quality clothing and shoes. De-pill your sweaters, polish your shoes (or take them to a shoe repair shop for a freshening up), mend any rips or tears; and then ditch anything that isn’t recoverable.

#5. Outdated Prints

wear this

Outdated prints immediately add years to your appearance, but it’s hard to give specific examples. This is one of those things that’s hard to put into words, but you know it when you see it.

Some go so far as to say that women of a certain age shouldn’t wear prints at all, and I disagree with that sentiment, but I do find myself purging printed pieces from my closet more often because prints tend to look dated sooner than solids.

#6. Never Trying Anything New

You certainly shouldn’t embrace every trend that comes down the pike, but embracing none is just as aging to your style. If you never try anything new, you’ll end up stuck in a style time warp.

Every season, it’s a good idea to select one or two spring/summer trends that appeal to you, and experiment with adapting them to suit your personal style, body type, etc.

#7. Not Updating Your Accessories

wear this

For some reason, women neglect to update their accessories as often as they do their clothing and footwear; but just like clothing, jewelry and other accessories start to look outdated after a few seasons.

This transition season is a great time to reassess your spring and summer handbags, jewelry, and other accessories. Compare them to those being sold in the retailers you prefer to shop, and see if they still look current or if they need an update. Also, quality matters here. That doesn’t mean that all our jewelry needs to be super expensive, but looking for quality materials and workmanship in our fashion jewelry helps keep our looks polished and sophisticated.

Finally, beware of matching sets. It’s more modern to split up your jewelry sets than to wear them together. If you have sets you love, just break them up and wear them with other pieces in your jewelry wardrobe.

#8. Clothes That Don’t Fit Properly

As Stacy and Clinton used to say, “If you don’t have fit, you don’t have style.” Learning to dress your unique body, and wearing clothes that fit properly is the best thing you can do to look youthful and stylish as you age.

Sometimes that means utilizing a tailor, and you may have to try on a lot of things and learn to be more discerning about your purchases. Don’t settle for ‘good enough’. That may have worked when we were younger, but notsomuch as we age.

#9. Long or Oversized Shorts

Much like wearing shirts that are too long or oversized, hiding your legs under shorts that are too long, or wearing shorts that don’t fit properly will put you squarely into frump territory.

I wrote a whole post on Dos and Don’ts for Wearing Shorts, which you might find helpful if you struggle with shorts. Also, a roundup of modern shorts for spring/summer 2024.

And if you prefer not to wear shorts because you feel insecure about your legs, skirts, jumpsuits, and lightweight pants are a better alternative to wearing shorts that are too long or baggy. I also wrote a post, Casual Alternatives to Shorts, with even more options.

#10. Dressing Too Conservatively

wear this

Wearing too many classic styles together can be aging. Also, beware of covering up too much skin, especially in spring and summer. An open neckline is more flattering and less severe than a high crewneck, for example.

#11. Cheap Fabrics

Cheap fabrics make you look older because they look chintzy and often don’t hang or drape nicely, and they often stretch out as you wear them, making you look dumpy and frumpy. It’s better to invest in fewer, nicer pieces that fit and wear well and will stand the test of time.

#12. Capris

wear this

Yes, I am going there. I know some women love their capris and will defend them to their dying day, but I stand by my assertion that women of a certain age should tread verrrrry lightly here. In general, pants that end at the middle of the calf are unflattering and aging on most women.

And before you tell me that capris are making a comeback this season, yes, but that doesn’t mean you should drag the capris out of the back of your closet that you were wearing 15 years ago and think you look current. The capris that are in style right now are not the same, and they must be styled intentionally in a modern way.

To avoid this pitfall, stick with cropped pants that end below that widest point of your calf. Also, modern silhouettes like crop flares and wide leg pants will look more current than straight leg styles.

#13. Following Style Rules

If I had a dime for every time someone asks me, “What is the rule for… fill-in-the-blank?”

Style rules as a concept is antiquated and outdated. Throw out the rules, and focus on wearing styles that look good on you and styling them in a modern way. Play around with proportion and color, and be intentional about breaking those old “rules” in a modern way.

And while we are at it, the concept of “age appropriate” styles is also outdated. There is no arbitrary age at which you should stop wearing shorts or prints or certain colors, etc. It’s far more modern to focus on developing and owning your personal style, and that means incorporating whatever styles and fabrics and colors work for you.

#14. Dark or Heavy Looking Handbags

wear this

There’s nothing wrong with choosing one everyday handbag and using it regularly, but be sure to choose a modern style that complements your spring/summer looks. If you were carrying black or brown for winter, switch it up and go for something in a straw or rattan, which are both trending big time right now.

Or maybe you prefer a bright color, or a light neutral like taupe or ivory. Anything but black or dark brown. Even cognac can be tricky. If you like cognac, black or dark brown, go for a woven style to keep it looking summery. I’m working on a spring handbag roundup, but in the meantime, take a look at my post on 2024 Spring Handbag & Accessory Trends.

#15. Wearing The Wrong Bra

Warners This Is Not A Bra

This should really be #1 but I’ll finish up with it instead. Wearing the right bra is the foundation of good style… pun totally intended! If you haven’t updated your bra in the past year, it is probably worn out and not doing its job.

Plus, as our bodies change, we should get re-fitted to be sure we are wearing the right size and style. Read my post on Favorite Foundations for my personal recommendations.

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84 Responses

  1. Thanks! This was a really great list, I love all of these tips. I think it becomes more difficult to “weed out” the styles as we age, and accumulate more quality clothing and accessories. We may have several items that are in great shape and still fit – but have dated patterns or styles. I appreciate the concrete list of tips.

  2. So happy you are moving forward with your ankle healing and can drive now. I would be crazy by now. I have no kids left at home to drive me anywhere. LOL I agree on all you posted here today. My pet peeve is Capri’s. I see so many woman over 60 wearing them and they are sooooo aging. I know you will get lots of comments “for” them today, as you have before. LOL But, they are so dated. I need to pay more attention to my Summer handbags. I need new ones right now. I’ve recently purged my jewelry I no longer wear or is dated.

  3. Glad to see you stand by your opinion on capris! I fully agree – just because something is trending doesn’t mean it’s flattering! I always refer to the rules of art: dark colors always make things look smaller compared to light colors, bold horizontal lines always add width, etc. Trends will never change these principles. And while some might be willing to wear something that is unflattering just to be “on trend”, I personally am not willing to do so!

  4. Completely agree with your list, especially capris. Cringe. Thank you for compiling this… and I need to go buy a new handbag after reading this! 🙂

  5. I switched over my closet yesterday. It was a case of take winter out, put spring/summer in. I’ll need to go through those pieces today and see what I still like, what is in good shape, and what is still current.
    I don’t wear shorts anymore preferring cropped pants and dresses. I think for one to wear shorts you need to have shapely legs without any veins/sun spots/scarring. I see women in shorts who should have put them aside years ago but I guess if they are happy wearing them, then go for it. My preferences don’t apply to others.
    Could you do a post on sandals that you think are current but still comfortable? I find slides ok but if I’m doing any walking I prefer something with more stability.

    1. I think women should feel free to wear shorts or short skirts no matter what the appearance of their legs. I have veins and sunspots and scaring, but I’m not going to stop wearing shorts anytime soon. I do prefer how they look with a tan, but that’s my personal preference for my own comfort level.

      I can definitely work on a post about summer sandals!

      1. I agree with this comment about shorts 💯. In Texas where it will probably be 115 degrees all summer, I’m not wearing pants. My legs are not perfect-but I work hard to exercise and keep fit. I won’t be judging anyone else’s legs while trying to stay cool.

  6. Dang! I really like the “don’t” sandals – I prefer to have sandals that are firmly attached to my foot, I don’t like to shuffle or have to grip my toes to keep slides on. But I do agree that a metallic or lighter color often works better for sandals.

    Not sure why the sleeveless top is a Don’t – is it because it’s not tucked in? I find tucking to be so fussy, but it does update one’s look, so I’ve been working on it.

    1. I’m pretty sure the issue with the sleeveless top is that it is too long and voluminous. It hits at the widest part of her body, making her hips look wider than they are. Tucking might would help, but that’s a lot of fabric to tuck. A sleeveless top that is quite a bit shorter and more fitted would be far more flattering. Jo-Lynne can probably explain far better than I can though.

    2. Yeah, there are plenty of options with ankle straps out there… That’s when color and texture really matter a lot.

      Sarah pretty much nailed it – the sleeveless top is too long and baggy to be left out and adds a lot of visual weight, even on that teeny model. It could be tucked, or a shorter style would work, preferably one with more structure. A structured jacket on top would help too, if it were tucked… A structured jacket over a longer top is a dated look.

      1. Fully agree with everything you and Sara said. But I understand why Mara and others may be confused since only a couple years ago that style was considered “in”. (I personally didn’t think it was flattering even then, except maybe for postpartum?) I think this is a great example of why we should take trends in moderation as we age. First, many are not actually flattering. And second, I don’t care to replace all my tops when the fashion industry decides the same style it was pushing just a couple years ago is suddenly “out”. I’m really starting to get tired of the fast fashion and throwaway trends. I’m leaning more towards classic silhouettes with a faint nod towards the current trends. Just my opinion tho.

        1. Yes, the overall style of that top on the right (not just the length, but the neck and sleeve design) was very popular a few years ago, which is another reason why I feel like it can be aging – it looks dated. That, plus the way the voluminous style tends to add visual weight, and the longer style cuts you in half, all add up to why I chose it as an example.

          I don’t think it seemed super trendy at the time, though, did you? It’s only in looking at it now, I recall that it was everywhere for a few years. Weird how that happens with certain styles.

          1. Maybe it was just in my area? I think you nailed it with “seemed like it was everywhere”. Those are the fads I tire of the most (often even before they are “out”), and it also seems like the fashion industry dumps these quick trends faster. Kinda like those open shoulders that were just circles in the sleeve. Like you always say, the quicker it peaks the quicker it falls! I think the tricky part for me is finding a way to incorporate small doses of those type trends.

  7. Congratulations on the progress of your ankle! I know that you are thrilled to finally be able to drive again. Thank you for the informative post.

  8. I really enjoyed this post! What great suggestions for a more updated style. Love this! Glad to hear your ankle/ foot is on the mend and making great progress. If I bought only one pair of sandals for summer what would you recommend?

    1. It really depends on what you have in your closet and what you plan to wear them with. I can’t begin to suggest just one pair. I usually buy a few each season, but then, I’m not a normal shopper, by any means. 🙂

  9. Well done! Thank you
    My mom calls capri pants pedal pushers and I laugh every time! I agree (of course I do, right?) on the bra being super important. I just ordered several from bravissimo to try. Looking for a quality caramel crossbody right now. If you’ve got a suggestion I’m here to shop!

    1. I always think of pedal pushers as the ones that end just above the widest part of the calf, but under the knee. That length can look good on some women, if styled well, but sadly, they do nothing for me.

    2. Have you looked at Sezanne? I’m considering the Claude in the Natural Heritage color or the Milo in the Smooth Honey color. My friend just bought the Justine for summer and it’s so cute! I love Sezanne quality.

        1. Yes, I saw that one (Milo Textile Bag) in the store and it is really cute. Great for spring and summer! Do you have a kickback link for Sezanne?

  10. My feet have always looked terrible in thin-strapped sandals, even when I was young, so I always wear wide-strapped sandals. If the rest of my outfit looks updated, it works. I’ve been wearing Birkenstocks forever, before they were stylish. I’m delighted they have so many fun colors and styles now.

    1. Sure, I believe that. At the end of the day, personal style and wearing what suits you best is the key. These are just general suggestions to consider. I agree, Birks are a great option and I’m so glad they’re coming out with new styles and colors.

  11. So glad your ankle is healing- I know you are ready for regular shoes!
    Thanks for all the tips- capris are a no for me!
    Sandals are a bit harder bc with feet issues I can’t wear slides/ flip flops or any loose type of shoe. That is when my default is a white tree day tennis shoe!

    1. I definitely think a great white sneaker can look more current than a frumpy sandal, if it comes down to choosing between the two. But there are comfort sandals that don’t make you look older, it’s just a matter of finding them, which can be time consuming. And some years, there are more options than others. I struggled to find some good suggestions with supportive ankle straps, but I’ll keep looking.

  12. I agree with one caveat. I think older women need to be careful about wearing styles that can be too young for them. The jeans with the really big cuffs are a good example. I think they are on-trend but don’t really see someone over 70 wearing them. What do you think? Also, older women have foot issues, so comfort and stability are essential. I love a lot of your sandals / slides, but I need a slingback or heeled sandal to provide support and prevent injury.
    You didn’t mention scarves , ruanas, etc. I’d love to learn a couple of current ways to style them.

    1. I don’t understand why there’s an arbitrary age to cuffed jeans in your opinion. It’s tough, actually quite sad. when we women are put in a box like this, especially by another woman.

    2. It is possible to wear styles that look too young, but I feel like women tend to err on the other side as they get older. It seems like many women are so afraid of looking too young that they end up wearing things that make them look matronly, so I focused more on those points.

      I don’t think there is an arbitrary age at which a cuffed jean is aging. It can be done in a way that is elegant and flattering, it’s more a question of personal style and how it flatters the body of the particular woman wearing them.

      Slingbacks are very in style right now. I just picked one pair of sandals in the “do” category, and I was trying to find something in the comfort sandal realm b/c I know that is what a lot of ladies need. But there are numerous other great options out there in different styles, with heels, ankle straps, etc.

      I personally steer clear of summer scarves an ruanas. It’s a matter of personal style for me, but I do think they can be aging, so I would focus on modern fabrics and wearing them with current pant silhouettes, etc.

      1. I just returned from Paris. Everyone was wearing a scarf. Young. Old. Men and women. Tied casually, they add a sense of “je ne sais quoi” style.

        1. I noticed that too on my last trip. Women in tee shirts with a light, thin scarf around their neck. They looked so put together even in a simple outfit of jeans and a tee. I haven’t done that myself but loved the look.

        2. Interesting! It does sound like a very Parisian look, and I’ve heard rumblings about the small neck scarves making a comeback. They can be super chic on certain people; unfortunately, they don’t do much for me with my short neck and broad shoulders. I do like the idea of tying them onto a handbag tho.

  13. Very informative post. I’m near 70 and I follow those tips thanks to bloggers like you. I like it that you aren’t celebrity crazy and recommend trends just because celebrities are wearing them like other bloggers. Capris are one example. They look horrible on most women especially me. I don’t see how capris are different now than before. I consider polyester a cheap fabric. Most blouses even designer ones are polyester. I see blouses for $100. I might pay that for silk but never for polyester. The one about comfort shoes and sandals can be tricky. As you get older there’s more danger of falling. You have to wear shoes that stabilize you. You can still find cute comfort shoes but it’s hard. Personally I don’t want to fall at the expense of vanity . I’m glad your foot is healing and you can start being more active.

    1. Some polyester fabrics look cheaper than others, but I agree, it is generally not the most desirable fabric. I prefer rayon, if I’m not going to shell out the big bucks for silk, but it has its own set of issues. At least poly doesn’t shrink. A combo often works well.

      The capris… again, I had to choose one pair. They are definitely not the same as the ones on the don’t side, but it’s more about how they’re styled that is going to set them apart from the ones of ages post. And even then, it’s a hard look to pull off, thus my point – tread lightly, or better yet, skip them and just wear crop pants.

      Shoes, yeah, that’s why I tried to use comparison words like thinner and thicker. We all have to figure out what works for us, and I get it that we have to sometimes make sartorial compromises for the sake of safety and comfort. 🙂

      1. The capris on the link do look similar to what I wore in the past. I always wore more streamlined capris with wedge sandals. Some were right under my knees and others past my calf but too short to be cropped. I wasted my 50s wearing capris. Lol. i should have just worn shorts. Even though I had veiny legs my upper legs were firmer and knees weren’t saggy.

  14. Great news about your ankle! Continue to be very careful with it and let it heal completely. Speaking of feet, the very first sandal photos made me laugh because I love (and wear) the DON’T one! Actually, I have some similar that are a lighter color for summer, but I need the slight wedge, the back strap and thicker straps for security. But I usually wear them with a longer, flared jean/pant. It definitely is important how an item is styled!! Also, it’s interesting that the #6 DO top is very similar to the #10 DON’T top! Great post, Jo-Lynne, I am sure it will generate a lot of discussion!

    1. I knew someone was going to say they had those shoes, lol! Picking the “don’t” items takes me ages because it can really depend on the person wearing them and how they’re styled. I mainly was looking for a bulky black shoe that covers a lot of the foot. That exact shoe in a lighter color would help a lot, or, as you say, wearing them under long jeans would work.

      The “do” blouse is styled with a front tuck, which is one of the solutions I mentioned, but did look for a bit to find a shorter option. If I had all the time in the world, I would choose several “do” options with different features for each of my points, but each of these points could really be its own post, so I had to make a choice and move on. 🙂

      I think it’s helpful to note, and I should have added this at the end – maybe I’ll go back and do that – but none of these style choices stands alone. They all must be taken in context of what else you’re wearing, how it is styled, etc. You can make them work if you have to, like bulkier shoes for finicky feet, but it’s just more work to achieve a youthful look.

      1. Jo-Lynne! It’s 8:30pm and I had to come back and read all the comments (and all your helpful input)! I knew this post would garner a lot of responses and ideas. It was so fun to read! All your points are great to consider, and we’ll need to remember to add a confident smile. Then we’ll always look more youthful, modern and approachable (even with clunky black sandals on! hahaha!!)

  15. Hand bag shopping for me! I recently purchased a navy handbag thinking it would look nice with dark wash cropped jeans or navy shorts and a white or navy stripe top for a nautical look, but perhaps I should reconsider and choose something more summery in a canvas or rattan material.

    1. Oh, I do think it would look great with those outfits! A navy handbag can be great it if works for the outfit, and they’re actually trending at the moment. I just wouldn’t recommend getting a navy bag to carry with everything, unless you have a capsule wardrobe that it works with or something like that.

      I do carry black bags in summer, but only when they coordinate with my outfit. I also have a bunch of other bags in various colors that I swap out. I was meaning to say I wouldn’t carry a big, dark leather bag with everything all summer long. 🙂

    2. LOL! You are not alone. In NYC over the weekend, I got a navy purse. Now rethinking purchase as “too classic” – I wear a lot of classics and maybe rattan would blend better.

  16. Great advice and suggestions to do! I have a quick question. I am petite around 5ft and have to toe problem under one of my toes which would need surgery if I don’t do what the foot doctor says do. I love shoes. The foot doctor recommends Vionic so I am limited but have branched out to other brands as long as they say arch support. This year the only pair of cute sandals ( read tall also) that I wanted from there have a poor review so am hestitant about ordering. Do you have recommendations on arch support sandals that read cute and not flat? Since petite I have always worn some sort of heel. I did order a clog in a size 5 with arch supoort & love them. Thank you for recommendations if you know of some. I do Baretraps Posture Plus, Easy Street(Easy works clogs), Skechers but not my favorite,etc.

      1. Thank you for the list ! I do have Vionic Birkenstock look alikes but again alittle too low heeled for me. I did buy cute FitFlops the other day and do love them. I will check out those other brands you suggested and see what I come up with. Those Dolce Vita are really cute! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply & help me out with a list!!! You are great!!!

  17. Wow, the comments are a bit spicy today. I am not complaining, I like reading them. We should all have opinions and learn something new. I NEVER thought about how wearing clothes that are more modest as adding age but I can definitely see that now. I do it all the time. I love crew neck shirts and I might (cough cough) have a drawer filled with them and I might wear them with sweaters or other things that cover me up like a hotdog in corndog batter LOL. I do push the sleeves up on my longer shirts to show a bit of skin. I am off to look through my drawer for V-necks 😝. Keep up the good work on your ankle and thanks for replying to so many of our comments

    1. Katie I have crew neck tees too but I’m not getting rid of them. (I don’t think Jo-Lynne expects us to get rid of things we can use or like.) Just style them with modern pants or shorts. I prefer v-neck but sometimes I like a color on a crew neck. The only thing I am getting rid of are shoes that can cause me to fall.

      1. Agree, I am not getting rid of anything either I just never thought about how being all covered up could make you look older. That’s why I read this blog – I am always learning new things. Cheers!

    2. OMG – “cover me up like a hotdog in corndog batter” – I am laughing out loud. Don’t get me wrong, not all crewnecks are bad. It’s more about what you wear with them, and some are more open than others.

  18. These tips are very helpful! Let’s remember though that there are lots of great women wearing capris or scuffed sandals who don’t care if we like it or not. I hope we can all dress the way we are most comfortable without being judged for it. Do what is right for you.

  19. Capris are really popular among older women in Texas. Even cropped pants can be too hot when we’re hitting 95-100 degrees. They may not be very flattering, but they are very comfortable in the heat. I’m nearly 6 feet tall, so they hit me like peddle pushers.

      1. Growing up my mom always said “not everything that pops into your head needs to be said!” I’m glad we are all able to offer differing viewpoints and have an open discussion but hope we can do so in a way that is kind (and keep our more snarky comments to ourselves!) Please don’t let critical comments discourage you! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this!

    1. I’m not sure why you feel that way. Many women desire to look current and stay fashionable as they age. I think Jo-Lynne made it very clear that any of the things she pointed out as “don’ts” could still work if you take care to take your whole outfit into consideration and adapt to current styles as you can. I don’t think there was any judgement or criticism in the post. And if you are the type of woman who can confidently wear knee-length capri pants with chunky black sandals and a giant bib necklace and don’t care if it ages you, then more power to you! But facts are facts and there are items of clothing and certain styles that do make us look older, sometimes older than we actually are. I’d venture to say that most of the women reading here do so because they prefer to look stylish and put together no matter their age. Jo-Lynne, I appreciate your guidance in helping me look my best!

  20. Hi. What are your thoughts on capri work out leggings? The weather is getting warmer and I don’t want to wear full length or shorts when working out or running in the park. Glad you are on the mend!

    1. When I’m working out, I’m not really concerned with the proportion of my outfits, as long as they do the job, but I guess my cropped workout leggings still hit lower on the calf than a capri. I’m a big fan of 7/8 length leggings. I wear them to the gym all year round. And if I’m going to be outside in warm weather, I wear shorts.

  21. Love, love, love this post!!! You have given me a lot to think about especially some of my sundresses with prints.

  22. What a helpful list! I’d love more detail. For example, I can see how the “don’t” dress is dated and, in fact, let one go similar to it awhile back. What I’m not sure about it why. I just went with my gut but it’d be great to hear what about that dress made it dated. In number 10, are high crew necks *always* out of style right now? If not, what made that particular one out of style? I hope you’ll post more content like this and perhaps add a little more detail that will help people like me that need all the help they can get apply the principles to their wardrobes. PS My kids are grown and flown (first one is getting married next week!) but I love hearing your pride and joy come through as you describe your daughter’s activities.

    1. Sometimes it’s more of a gut instinct than anything I can explain. As far as #10, crewnecks aren’t out of style. That was about a look that had a lot of coverage. It’s hard to find examples of that online b/c it’s more about the whole outfit than one piece.

  23. Thank you for the post! I have a travel question. I tend to wear leggings and tunics for comfort when I travel. I know it’s not flattering or in style but I’m lost for a substitute. I am 5’4 and an xl and a lot of the travel sets on I think it’s Frank and Eileen would look real strange on me- ankle length is usually down my foot. I don’t know what to wear with leggings to be comfortable but stylish without my rear on display..

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