

10 Things I Love Right Now

kids jan 2007 - 1

  1. Dancing with my little girls around the family room in our jammies after breakfast.
  2. The striking simplicity of plain white dishes.
  3. The cool, soft cheek of my baby nestled against my neck while we rock.
  4. Snowfall in the weather forecast.
  5. Kids with fresh haircuts.
  6. My morning coffee fix.
  7. Ebay!
  8. Waking up in the night to a three-year-old snuggled up against my back.
  9. Sharing a joke with my first-grader.
  10. The cheerful chatter of little voices echoing through the house.

Go ahead. Make a list. You know you wanna!

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4 Responses

  1. I like your 3 and 5.Ace let me rock him while he slept yesterday afternoon and I hadn’t realized how long it had been.*sigh*

  2. Thanks for sharing – I was hoping for #4 to come true here in Alabama! #7 is a must for me….and I too love the humor and life my two daughters bring to our home!

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