

4 Going on 14

I had the most hilarious conversation with C this morning. We were looking for summer sandals at Target, and we were in the shoe aisle for all of .5 seconds when C spotted shoes TO! DIE! FOR!

They were these garish bright purple sparkly shoes that had the Bratz dolls (girls?) emblazoned on them. Now, I may be a mean mommy, but I do not buy shoes with characters on them. It’s just where I draw the line (as if bright purple and sparkly wasn’t enough reason to draw a line). So any-who.

C exclaims in a very loud voice, “Oh! Mommy! I love these shoes! Can I have these shoes?!”

I gently explained that the shoes have Bratz on them, and she’s not a brat, so she shouldn’t have Bratz on her shoes. To which she replied obstinately, “I’m a brat sometimes so I can have them!”

Of course, I began laughing helplessly in the shoe isle at Target, all the while trying to turn her attention to something boring and traditional and white.

She proceeded to pout and whine and fuss that it was not fair that I wouldn’t get those shoes. To which I said, sarcastically of course, “Now you’re being a brat.”

“SEE!” she exclaimed. “That’s why I need those shoes!”

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8 Responses

  1. Girlfriend knows how to plead her case, doesn’t she?

    I love the shoes that you did choose, and totally agree with you about character clothing. We have also banned any and all Bratz items. Period. And my girls know it. “Mommy, I know we don’t like these, but can I just look at it?”

  2. Oh, the danger when they start using our own logic against us! This is so hilarious – I was laughing so hard!

    P.S. I hate BRATZ and all things character, too.

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