

Year In Review: Highlights From 2022

Happy New Year, friends! I know it’s cliché, but I can hardly believe it’s time to write another Year In Review.

I almost skipped this post for this year because I did so many recaps last week, but then I realized how much I appreciate having this personal account of the goings-on each year, so I hope you’ll indulge me this one last 2022 recap before we move on to new content.

As I looked over last year’s Year In Review this morning, I was reminded by how far we’ve come since this time last year! Dare I say, 2022 has been the year of our return to some semblance of normalcy after the pandemic turned our world upside down?

While it will always be with us to some extent, and we’re still experiencing some repercussions, I feel so much more hopeful and optimistic than I did this time last year. But speaking of which…

January 2022

January got off to a bit of a rocky start, with a new Covid surge across our nation that caused many schools and colleges to go virtual for a time. I also had a bunch of dental work that didn’t go so well. Meanwhile, on the blog…

I updated a bunch of old  5 Ways to Wear posts, and I published my worst fashion purchases of 2021, which is always a reader favorite. But my most popular post that month was 5 Ways to Style Black Cigarette Pants Redux.

5 ways to wear black pants (1)

February 2022

We started talking spring fashion trends in February, and I planned a trip to Florida to visit Sydney and take spring outfit pictures in a warmer climate.

Sydney @ Seeside Creative & me in St. Augustine

One of my besties joined me, so that was a fun time, and nice break from the dreary winter weather here in Philly.

March 2022

We spent most of our weekends in March at Becca’s Indoor Drumline competitions, and Caroline came home for Spring Break, so we enjoyed catching up with her.

I posted a lot of the photos we took in Florida, thanks to the work of the lovely Sarah at Sarahdipity Photos, and my post What Sandals to Wear With Bootcut Jeans went nuts on Google.

what sandals to wear with bootcut jeanstop (S) // jeans (29) // sandals (8) // necklace // earrings // bracelet // sunnies

March also marked the 16th anniversary of starting this blog! That’s pretty hard to wrap my head around. It was all so different back in 2006.

We didn’t share our real names or any pictures, and there was no business of blogging. We didn’t have Instagram or Pinterest when I started blogging, and Facebook didn’t even have a News Feed yet. So much has changed since then!

April 2022

April is when Paul and I went to Florida to see Becca perform with the high school marching band at Disney World, and we made it into a couples getaway.

While we were there, I scheduled a photo shoot with Diana from Live to Adore Photography. This is one of my favorites from that shoot.

hoodie (option) // tank // shorts (option) // sneakers (39) // necklace

May 2022

I had my breast reduction surgery in May, so much of that month was spent recovering in athleisure wear. Meanwhile, my Dos and Don’ts for Wearing Shorts was the most popular post I published that month.

muscle tee (S) // shorts (M) // sunnies

June 2022

We went to the beach with some of Paul’s family in June, and that was so much fun! We had great weather the whole week.

coverup (S) // swimsuit (8) // stote // sandals (8) // sunnies

July 2022

July brought my 50th birthday, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, and a vacation with some of my family in Maine.

Paul threw a pool party for my birthday on the 4th of July with live music, and a good friend catered the food. It was perfect.

As soon as that was over, it was time to focus on the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. It’s fun to look back now at my #NSale Preview post to see what items jumped out at me online. I did end up purchasing most of these, but I didn’t keep them all.


We had great weather for our Maine vacation, which was a huge improvement over the previous year, when it was 50 degrees and raining on the 4th of July. My mom took this picture of our family after we ate dinner at our favorite lobster pound.

August 2022

Paul and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary in August, but I can’t remember what (if anything) we did to celebrate. We were probably preoccupied with Becca’s marching band schedule and getting Caroline back to college.

And the next thing I knew, it was time for Becca to start her junior year of high school. Somehow I deleted all the pictures I took that day, and I only have this one I grabbed off of Facebook, so it’s kind of grainy.

Amidst all that, I wrote a bunch of posts on the fall 2022 fashion trends and how to wear them. My Denim Trends for Fall 2022 was by far and away my most popular post that month.

Top 5 Denim Trends for Fall 2022

September 2022

September was full of Friday night high school football games and (finally!) a normal school schedule.

That was also the month I launched my jewelry collection with Victoria Emerson, which was super exciting.

And I went to Nashville for a fashion blogger retreat with this amazing group of women.

What To Wear to Nashville in the Fall

October 2022

R turned 17 in October, and we had a quiet family party for her here at home.

I started my Holiday Gift Guides in October, and my 22 Fall Outfits for 2022 was the most popular post I published that month.

The big C finally hit our house in October, as well. Paul brought it home from a business trip, but he had a fairly mild case, and thankfully no one else got it.

November 2022

David turned 23 in November, and he let me throw him a small birthday party with some close friends. Party games had to be played, of course!

After that, I visited my mom in Maine for a couple of days.

similar jacket // Frame Le High Straight Ankle Jeans (29) // Aquatalia Brigitte (8.5) // Burberry scarf (budget option)

How to Wear Ankle Boots in the Winter went crazy on Google, and gave my traffic a bit of a boost in the middle of the month, and I got my “fancy tree” set up when I got back from Maine. Here’s how it turned out this year. I love the red and gold.

We hosted some of Paul’s family for Thanksgiving dinner, we got our family tree the next day, and then we took the kids into Philly to see the Tina Turner Musical that Saturday.

Soon after that, we found out that Becca had mono and iron deficiency anemia. She had been sick a lot throughout the fall, and we finally got her tested and discovered both of these conditions.

Fortunately, the iron supplements have been working, and she’s feeling and acting much more like herself already. I was so happy she was able to go to the Sixers game a few weeks ago, which was a joint birthday gift to her and David.

December 2022

December was a lot more “normal” than the past two years, but we still didn’t have a lot of parties and activities. I miss Paul’s holiday office party, but I think those days are long gone… yet another casualty of Covid. His office has downsized, as most people opt to work from home now.

I did attend the annual ladies Christmas Tea at our church, and Paul and I had our annual “boozy lunch” at The Capital Grille the week before Christmas. I wish I’d gotten a picture of us together, but I was more focused on getting a shot of my outfit, lol!

Also in December, Caroline drove herself and two friends home from college in Boston, which was a major milestone for her. She and I went into Philly to see Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella the week before Christmas, and Paul and I went to Becca’s holiday band concert the following night, so that got us into the Christmas spirit.

We celebrated Caroline’s 20th birthday with fondue here at home on Christmas Eve. I wish I had some good pictures, but I don’t. Trust me, I tried!

There weren’t really any stand-out blog posts in December, and I’m kind of lacking pictures of our family festivities. The older my kids get, the harder it is to get good pictures.

I did manage to coerce them into taking this family shot in front of the tree on Christmas Day… just pay no nevermind to the Sixers game in the background. 🙄

Our Christmas dinner was rather unconventional this year, in that we ended up ordering Chinese takeout because our turkey wasn’t defrosted. But since it was just the five of us, no one really cared, and it sure did make cleanup easy!

We salvaged the day by decorating our Shane family Christmas cookies together that evening. This is what I get when I ask for pictures these days…

And then we rang in the new year last night with a bunch of family and friends here at our house. That was a great way to wrap up 2022!

In Conclusion

This is one of those years where I feel at a bit of a loss to write a wrap-up commentary. It was a better year than the two before it, but there’s still been a lot to deal with. I think most people probably feel much the same way, even though our circumstances are all a bit different.

That said, I’m so grateful for all that we have, and for how far we’ve come since the pandemic hit in 2020. And I do feel optimistic as I look ahead to what 2023 has in store for us!

Sometimes I add a State of the Blog Address to the end of this post or write a separate post for that, but I don’t feel like I have much new to say this year. I like what this blog has become and where it seems to be going, and I don’t see much changing. I just want to keep doing what we’re doing!

With Sydney helping with strategy and content planning, Amy helping with administrative tasks, Kate helping with in-person tasks, and Alison doing my photography, I have a great team, and I’m really proud of the content I’ve put out this year.

But most of all, I feel so blessed by this community of women. Once again, thank you all for being here, and for supporting me and each other.

Here’s to a healthy and happy {and fashionable} 2023! 🥂

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42 Responses

  1. Enjoyed the post and seeing your lovely family pictures. Hope you all have a healthy and happy 2023, looking forward to all your fashion advice this new year!

  2. I enjoy these posts. They remind me to look back at the highlights of each year. Like you, this one was more normal in some ways but had some difficult challenges. It’s easy to let that define a year, but looking back at the snapshots of happy times help us focus on the good. I needed that reminder so thanks! Hope you and your family have a great new year!

  3. Happy New Year Jolynn!
    I just realized I have been reading your blog since 2013. It doesn’t feel like that much time has gone by! Thanks for all the years of wonderful content!

  4. Happy New Year Jo-Lynne: thanks for the recap of your year and for all the work you put into your blog. It is very helpful to me. I hope your 2023 is full of health and meaningful connections.

  5. I always enjoy your yearly recap😊 I like to go through each month as well to see what the highs or lows were throughout the year! I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us and of course what we will be wearing this coming spring and summer. Where did you get the blow up frame for new years? This would make a fun addition to our friends party we attend each year! Of course it’s been downsized but would be great for capturing some photos!
    Happy New Year to you and your family wishing you all the best for 2023!

  6. Thank you for providing a consistently happy, optimistic and normal start to our day! That has meant more than you know these past 3 years! Best to you and your family in 2023.

  7. I love the recap! Thanks for all you do to keep us all “in the know”. I have really learned a lot from you and finally at 60, I think I’m nailing down my personal style 😊

  8. Cheers to 2023!

    1. April wedding in
    DC. Semi-Formal/Cocktail

    2. Outfit for an overnight flight to Italy in June. Will be hot in Rome but plane will
    be cool at night.

    1. Hey Melissa! I’ll definitely keep wedding ideas in mind for spring, and this is a good reminder to post that early b/c ladies want to plan ahead.

      As for the overnight flight, I have no experience with that kind of travel, but I highly recommend checking out Fashion Travel Girls if you are on Facebook. It’s an amazing resource for travel info, particularly related to what to wear and how to pack.

    2. I’ve done this. Athleta has black athlesure pants cut like trousers that are super comfy and can look dressed up. Nice t-shirt, jacket and a light scarf. I’ve also traveled overnight in stretchy jeans. The AG Mari jeans discussed on this blog would be a good choice! You could also check Anatomie. I’ve not tried Anatomie but those clothes would fit the bill for sure. Pricey though. Have a good trip!

    3. I travel a good bit for work (although not internationally). My go-to flight outfit is Vuori performance joggers with a casual v-neck tee and a light but warm cardigan. Keep in mind the cabin gets pretty cool above a certain elevation. But layering helps address the fact it’ll be warm when you get off the plane. I wear sneakers too since my feet get cold. Plus it saves having to pack my bulkiest shoe. Hope this helps!

  9. Happy New Year! Your recaps are always interesting to read & you do a nice job of summing things up clearly & succinctly—a skill I wish I had! I’m not sure how many years I’ve been following your blog but quite a few. It’s something I always enjoy reading. Looking forward to what you have coming in 2023.

  10. I love the year recap. It’s always fun to look back at your previous posts. Did you do a ‘misses’ of 2022 post? I like to read you reasonings as to why something did or didn’t work for you. It’s a helpful tool, with any try on post.

  11. I loved seeing the photos of your family in this post, Jo-Lynne. Thank you for sharing. I plan to do a serious purge of my closet this month. We’ve been living in our motorhome on our property for 9 months now while our “Forever House” is being renovated and most of my clothes live in the basement of the house. It’s been interesting how easy it is to keep wearing my favorite things and not worry about variety. I think I’m finally ready to do a Marie Kondo purge and really keep only things that bring me joy. The Covid years have reminded me how important it is to find joy in everything.

    Blessings to all on this first day of the new year.

  12. Really enjoyed the recap post! I look forward to your email/post everyday. Thanks for all you do for us Jo-Lynne!

  13. I love your blog, your voice in your writing style, and your content! I look forward to your blog EVERY day. Thank you so much.

  14. Thank you for all that you do for us, keeping it real and authentic…… You are a blessing to us all. Love the year in review recap. Yes, company Christmas parties have gone by the way of the Do Do Bird for us too. It’s a shame but our new reality post COVD. Wishing us all a kinder 2023.

  15. Great post. It’s been fun following you again this last year and hearing all about your family. You are such a good blogger and your post are always so informative. Keep up the good work and I look forward to another year. I’m still interested in Winter boot ideas. Ones not too big and heavy.

  16. Thank you, Jo-Lynne! I look forward to your blog each day. Blessings of love, JOY and health to you and your family in 2023!

  17. What a fun post to read I love the idea of documenting something to highlight each month of the year- fun to look back- I tend to stay so focused on work and all our kid’s activities I need to slow down a bit and remember to be thankful it sure adds up!

    Happy New Year and thank you for all your hard work I look forward to reading every day!

  18. I read your bog every day! Don’t change a thing!
    When I click on the link for the Zappo’s R Minkoff purse, it is NOT on sale! Can you check on this please? I’m very interested in buying this purse if it’s on sale.
    Blessings to you and your family!

  19. Happy 2023 to you and your family! I so enjoy your daily posts – they brighten my day. 😀
    Thank you for all the hard work you put into these posts and for answering all the questions.

  20. Happy New Year! So fun to look back on your year’s highlights with you. Your blog is the only one I read and I appreciate your fashion advice, your transparency, and your virtual friendship. 💙 If I ever visit PA I’d love to meet up. Best wishes for a great 2023 ahead!

  21. I really enjoyed Your Year in Review! Your pictures are awesome. Hope you and your family have a Healthy and Fantastic 2023. I wouldn’t change a thing on your blog. It’s Amazing!!❤️❤️

  22. Sounds like y’all had a fun weekend. I really enjoyed reading your year end review. I do hope that 2023 will be a better year for our country. Have an awesome day!

  23. Thanks Jo-Lynne! Happy 2023 😉 2022 was a lot, fun to look forward to yr blog to lighten things up. I really appreciate the *don’ts* as much as the dos; look forward to the Regrets blog (so many options out there, good to hear what didn’t work or make the cut)…

  24. Thanks for the recap and cheers to 2023! I hope it is a good one for you and your beautiful family! I cannot wear jeans to work! I have to dress “nicely” every day, so I’d love to see a post about how to stretch your wardrobe a bit when you can’t wear jeans to work. I have lots of options, but do get bored with those sometimes. Also, since I’m on my feet 10+ hours a day. I’m not a fan of heels. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thank you and can’t wait to hear what’s happening for spring.

  25. The link you send for the crossover bag shows the price at $198.00 not under $100.00. Do you think it went off sale that fast?

    1. It looks like only the taupe color was on sale and it sold out right after I sent that email. I’m sorry! It didn’t say it was the last one or anything so I assumed there was some stock left.

  26. I enjoyed this post with all the photos of your good looking family. I found your blog thru Cyndi’s blog and I am glad I did. I’ve copied several of your outfits using what I have. I can’t wear heels as high as you wear but I have found similar lower heel versions. Happy New Year!

  27. I enjoy your blog so much, and look forward each day to reading it. It’s usually my “treat” after I get some housework or something like that done, lol. I really appreciate, so much, all the hard work, time, and effort you put into your blog. Your advice has truly been so helpful for me. Our local tv news station posted on Facebook asking watchers to post a picture from this year where they were truly happy, and nothing else mattered in that moment. I really enjoyed doing that, and it prompted me to make my own post reflecting on some of the best moments of 2022. Praying God’s richest blessings on you and your family in 2023!

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